1 yr old throat infection advice?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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hi my 1 yr old son has been off food, milk for last 2 days hes cranky, tired, wont let anyone he doesnt know come near or touch him even wont let daddy hold him only me, phoned our doc yesterday and he said bring him straight up he said ears and throat were ok but due to his high temp fever and irritability we got sent to a and e last night to check for meningitis sooo scary esp as im pregnant.

well they didnt check his blood or urine the doc checked his ears and throat again and said he had a throat infection which my doc didnt pick up on and he has what looks like an ulcer on back of throat.

well he got given penicillan and has to take calopol and nurofen inbetween, i need advice though he wont let me set him down or leave or anything yet hes still screaming in pain even after medicine, hes not getting enough fluids his nappies havent been very wet today any advice on how to calm him down and get him to drink more fluids?

Is he exactly 1? Wht kind of cup are you giving him? May be worth change in cup? Try an icelolly/icepop?

Poor lil man :( Im late answering your post and nobody else did so Im kind hoping he brighter now? xx
hey yes he is he spent the first day sleeping then next day he was better taking his drinks and then started eating again he did get a rash too but doc said it was just a viral rash where it came out of his system, hes finished his medicine and is a lot chirpier, back to normal and eating to make up for lost time lol thanks anyways xxx
ps no hes 13 months and 1 week today lol getting big xxx
Aww i can imagine how he felt, my OH has a throat infection and he thought it was tonsilitus how bad it was, hes on penicillian and a high dose of cocodomol and still hes in pain even tho hes been on them both since sunday :/ x
i hope he gets better cos it was awful watchin him so sick and you cant do anything except comfort him xxxx

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