Newbie Here!!

Thanks Sunnygirl I still wont be able to work out when Im most fertile till my next period will i?? I get a little confused at this bit :) That means Dh will be getting lucky for most of Jan and Feb he will think it Christmas all over again. LOL

How are you getting on??

The one thing that's come out of bfns for 4 cycles is slowly learning my cycles and fertile periods. I had a mad 45 day cycle that threw me but have generally noticed 31 days. I am now checking with opks that ov is matching with the dates. Do u use them? Save yourself some time and use them! So basically no you might not know your fertile periods for a while but if you BD like a good 'un then it shouldn't matter! Xxx
Hi Ladies thanks for the replies!

No I havent got any OPK's I was thinking of gettting some but then thought its only been a few weeks and just wait a while and see what happens and try to BD every few days. But then on the impatient side Im thinking get some and then I have an indication as to whens best etc......... ohhh what to do what to do...... I know I will become totally obsessed with it all. So im trying to back off a little and try to relax and let nature take its course, admittedly Im finding it very hard work though!!!!

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