New Year's Resolutions - what are yours?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Ok, we have a week to go! What are your New Year's resolutions, both ttc and otherwise?

I'll start :)

TTC wise

1. OPKs again
2. More sex after cycle day 20. We seem to plateau over then lol
3. Green tea, will give it a go!
4. EWCM watch :oooo:
5. Ban on booze (except for occasional night out) and cigs completely (I had lapsed on this recently after being good for 5 months) :roll:
6. Thinking of booking acupuncture


1. Lose the stone I've put on before April
2. Stress less
3. Try and be an all round better person
Loving the thread LauraAnne :)

Mine are:

TTC wise

1. Start using OPKs
2. Completely cut out the caffine - (doing a good job of this one already, Im addicted to redbush tea)
3. Exercise more


1. Be less stressed and stop taking work to seriously
2. Try to get more me time, if im lucky!
3. Take little man swimming more as he loves it

Theres probally a few more but ill stop there! x x

Mine are:

TTC wise
1 caffiene drink per day
Keep on top of the fertility people to get me pregnant!
1.5 l of water per day

Get down to a BMI of 22 (this is also Laura's goal but she doesn't know it yet...)
Train for a 5k run.
Start a course.
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great thread!!


bd more often, not just around ov time!!
relax, relax, relax and erm..relax! (this one might be the most difficult)
keep my weight down (tend to eat a lot more during 2ww!)


complete my postgrad course, and then look for a new job
ensure i have one 'me' day/treatment per month
start saving for baby positivity :) and pay off debts!

well im not too good at keeping to these things so im going to chose some easier ones than last year..

all i really want is to be happy with my oh and son, i want us all to be healthy and eventually a baby will come into our lives but untill that time comes im going to enjoy the family i have got.

also try to eat less junk, im not going to say lose weight or it puts too much pressure on me n i think o stuf it n eat a bag of crisps.... so just less junk!

im going to use opks n start noting down CM and CP and if no luck with these after march im going to try pregnacare, and charting my temp.

i hope all you girls have a lovely new year and it brings us all lots of baby :dust: XxX
Ooh, good idea!

I don't have any TTC goals except that I want to see a BFP in the new year!! :p

I'm already using opks, relaxing, BDing whenever we want and I've even abandoned the cushion under the bum method. :)

As for my other goals.. I'd like to cut back on the takeaways and I really want to start eating more fish and veg. :)

I'd love to go back to my size 10 jeans too! x x
Make love.. not baby sex!
Make love after ive ovulated.

Lose weight
Spend time on me...
Say NO.....
i'm going to get fit...yes lose weight, but just become more fruit and veg and get back into the gym.

I have a wedding dress to fit into but i also just want to get my bmi back to a healthy range so that i will have a good shot at becoming pregnant later on in the year!

Keep saving and keep my finances on track.......xx
ooh congrats on your wedding Samsgirl!!!

My resolutions will be to lose the weight I've put on since my honeymoon. start saving each week for baby, and maybe to pick up a new hobby as I think I've become stuck in a rut!
ooh congrats on your wedding Samsgirl!!!

My resolutions will be to lose the weight I've put on since my honeymoon. start saving each week for baby, and maybe to pick up a new hobby as I think I've become stuck in a rut!

thanks :)

got engaged about 3 weeks ago and getting married in less than a year!!!!

i am saving up for a baby and a wedding..he he...saving up so i can have a full 12 months off work if a little one comes along....hoping to move house too in a couple of's all happening!! xx

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