New Years baby???

i tried castor oil about 10 times to get alana out, contractions did start but when i woke up they had stopped.

i think it will only kick start labour if your body is ready, as i went on to be 14 days over due and induced and ended up with emergency section.
i have heard of castor oil and cod liver oil this time round.

last time i was pregnant (6 years ago) i hadnt heard of half the stuff i know now.

pineapples, sweeps, castol oil, cod liver oil, rasbery tea

they are all new to me, the only thing i knew back then that worked was sex and curry lol

Well nothing has happended, and i stillcant sleep but still in pain mostly when i lay on my side though. or get up from sitting.
Umm I went from 1cm on sat to have another doc tell me i was 0cm??
This onoly confused me and made me frusterated, i had to go to the hospital on sunday because i went pee at 5am then by 2pm hadnt gone, i couldnt pee at all, so they told me to come in just to send me home telling me it was just the baby laying over my bladder.
By 8 pm i finally peed and my family were mad that they made me wait this long without trying ot empty it a different way as it is not good to not pee for 15 hours when i normally pee once an hour at least.
BUt i am now peeing fine.
I have a feeling she is not comming this week either, i have an appointment tuesday afternoon so see what she says.
Cod liver oil has not worked at all, took it when mypains started and didnt help at all, maybe she just does not wanna come out quite yet.
So ive decided to just wait it out and try and relax and sleep;.
Hope another baby comes soon, we need some Jan babys
Well take care and hope to hear from everyone soon, and see how everyone else is feeling.
Well no major twinges although I do feel different this week a lot more backache and little one starting to push down more now so keep on rolling on my gym ball in an effort to help my pelvis widen to let it out!! I cant believe I have a week left v. weird! Time has flown by I still have a list of stuff I want to get done. I spent over 2 hours the other day cleaning the kitchen! Oh and someone used my back bumper the other day to stop his car skidding on the ice! So now have to get that sorted, luckily he stopped and I wasnt in the car had parked up at my parents for a quick cuppa. Midwife appt again tomorrow gonna start asking when they will do a sweep and how many days over before they induce. I was slightly bigger than the growth chart last time so hoping I might be able to use that as an excuse for an earlier induction if this one refuses to come out!
sorry to hear everything stopped Katrina hun,

I ate whoel pinapple and had a hot curry and me and jase cuddled before i went to bed last night, as you can guess, nothing happend so i have deicded not to keep trying. he will come out when he is ready to and not before so like you, im just going to sit back now, relax and wait.
If he wants to take naother week then thats fine by me :)

michelle, good luck and keep us posted, cant belive you only have a week left! :)
I havent tried anything to get this one out other than keeping busy and rolling on the gym ball. I figure that when people try things its prob down to luck rather than it actually setting off your labour. Its weird to think I could go into labour at any time but I dont tend to think about it too much and dont even worry about twinges I had bad period pains the other night and thought well if I wake up and there still happening then it will be it so better get my sleep in!!
I have a friend who was due the same days as me (15 Jan) with twins. I had Rubie Christmas day and she had her twin boys on New Years Day!! I can't believe she lasted longer than me lol!! And she did it naturally with no pain relief, when she got to the hospital she was fully dilated and ready to push!! :shock:

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