New Years baby???


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well im sick of being preg i cant sleep at all and been in so much pain
and the other day i had asked sarah_17 what can help start labour and she suggested using Cod Liver Oil, which she had used when she went over due, and i beleive her other family memebrs have used it with success.
I then looked it up on the net and asked my friend about it and she says her aunt used it and worked for her.
So i went out and bought some today as i want to see if it works and if it does i will let all of you know as i know a lot of us want our babies now.
So im gonna take it at 12 noon tomorrow, as saturday which is 8 pm your time ., as well as have some cuddles ect.
So im gonna tidy up the house and get a good nights sleep tonight so i can be prepared if somthing does happen.
So wish me luck and wil post up dates throughout the night and hopefully we see some results.
Well talk to you all soon.
Katrina :D

Well i havent taken it yet, but i think she knows i want her out....
Me and OH had laid down to go to bed and half hour later i started feeling a lot of pain in my tummy and lower back as well as my thighs.
Every 10 or so min they really start to hurt, so i sat in the tub for an hour which seemed to help the pain, and now im just waiting to see if they settle down or continue.
Ill update everyone either way, kinda hoping its a false start since i havent slept at all yet. Will phone my doc if it gets any worse and see what she says.
What does everyone else think, false start???
ohhh GOOD LUCK,, hope u have yr new year's day baby.. sending u loads of luck and love

sounds promising Katrina

good luck hun!!



Well its 330am here now and tried to sleep but only lasted in bed for a half hour as it seems its worse when i lay down.
I was almost in tears and keep shakin my OH to wake up but he wont even open his eyes :(
Most of my pain is in my back though and seems to effect my right side more???? I dont know if that is normal or not, has any one else felt it worse on one side and no tthe other.
Please help, cant sleep and in pain, OH has been through all this before with his ex so i tried asking him before he fell asleep and hes certain its time but now i cant seem to get nothing but mummbles form him.
Well be waiting for a reply so i know what to do.
Thanks, Katrina

are the pains like tighenings or peroid pains?
have you had any discharge from below at all hun?

if they pain s have got worse since your first post then maybe its time to phone your midwife to ask her advice?


Well its like a constant period pain at its worse, then every so often cant tell you exactly how long, i get tightnings, that hurt real bad, and shooting pains through my thigs and lower back at the same time, i dont know if its just a warning or not, but its not going away yet??
I dont have a midwife, as we dont get them here unless we pay big bucks, my doctor is on call this weekend which is a good thing but she had told me at my last visit to wiat to see when they are 5 min apart and stronger so i dont know weather to wait and make sure or phone her as its only been happening for a few hours so this is prob only the beginning if anything??? Oh and no ive had no my discharge hasnt been any different tehn the last two weeks jsut clear stuff that is just a little but each time i wipe.
if your still in pain hun then i would phone the docs just to be safe, it could be the start of something or it could be a water infection.

fingers crossed this is it for you tho!

keep us posted

Good luck Katrina, Ill keep my fingers crossed. if i dont catch you on MSN before i wish you all the best hun. Amy X
ohhhh good luck!!! sounds like labour to me

but cod liver oil???? i hope you meant castor oil

Sorry to post so late.
I did not sleep at all friday night and finally around 12 i phoned my doc and didnt hear back from her till around 1230 then she told me to coem in.
I got to the hospital at 1 where they hooked me up to check heart beat and contractions, and tried ot say i was coming down with the flue which turned out i wasnt, then said weelmaybe you have a bladder infection, so they tested me even though i insisted it wasnt that kind of pain, and that was neg.
They finally checked and i was only 1 cm so they said they were gonna send me home, i came home and slept for two hours finally, ate dinner watched a movie and fell asleep on the couch during my second movie.
So i was kinda upset cuz everything slowed down and its 145am saturday now.
Oh and Paradysso, yes it is cod liver oil why???, i finally took it at 4 today cuz it slowed down and am hoping it will help speed things up so far nothing.
But i still have hope for my new years baby as it just turned jan ist about 2 hours ago, so im gonna walk around th ehouse a bit and do some house work even though its wee hours i cant sleep no more.
Then maybe relax in the bath, and see if anything happens.
Thanks for everyones posts and i hope things start happening!!
ooo doesnt sound long for you now hun!!

best of luck :D

I wonder who will be the first person off the forum to have a new years baby?!!!

I know it won't be me!!

Layla how are you today? Anything kicked off?
why has everything stopped!! Lol

All these ladies on here having there babies before christmas and around christmas, and now there is nothing to get excitied about, everything has stopped!! :(

Come on ladies, get jogging!!
im glad its stopped, i want to stay prengant for as long as possible :)
never heard of cod liver oil doing any thing for labour only evening primrose oil helping cervix and castor oil starting contractions, just wondering if you have got them mixed up????
Layla do you really want to stay pregnant?!!

Castor oil i have heard of setting you off, because it gives you the runs, and apparently it is the same nerve endings that trigger off labour as it is in causing the runs, so when you trigger your body to have the runs it also triggers the same nerves for contractions. (According to mother and baby mag)

Does it actually work??? i don't think i know anyone who has said it has worked for them.
I had to get some lactulose syrup the other day cos of toilet trouble (Sorry :oops: ) and the pharmasist told me to take half the normal dose as it can trigger labour, so it ust just be stuff that gives you diahorea.
I thought they didnt like people using it as it can also cause you baby to have a bowel movement?! I think its another old wives tale that might work for a handful of people but not the majority
you had any twinges or anything michelle?

i think your the next one due

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