Hi there!
I've had several blood & tests & a minor exploratory operation in Jan. of this year which showed that my system seems clear & healthy etc. but I don't seem to ovulate properly on my own & the level of hormone that I produce is below that which is deemed necessary to conceive - bit complicated - don't really understand it in detail!! Apparently, it all means that I don't produce good quality eggs & the amount that's there is slowly dwindling, due to my age (35 in Oct.) Hubby's sperm sample was good, so basically the problem is all with me - typical eh?!
Hence me being prescribed the fertility drugs!! Apparently, they're supposed to make my body ovulate, regulate my cycle, improve the quality of eggs produced & levels of hormone etc. so that technically & physically there's no reason why we shouldn't conceive. So far, after a bit of trial & error with doseage & waiting for my cycle to settle into a regular pattern, it seems as though they might be working - I've had blood tests which indicate that my hormone level is now acceptable. So, we basically have to give it a go for 6 months & then if it hasn't worked by then, it's off to IVF we go - oh great! (Difficult to stay positive some days!!)
I'm VERY confused at the moment though - been having what I'm led to belive are preg. symptoms but I'm sure I can't be - unless the symptoms have kicked in a week after conception which surely is way too early?! Either that, or the last period I had was an implantation bleed & not a proper period but I don't think it could have been as it arrived bang on time & although it was light on day 1 & only lasted a couple of days in total, it did develop into what I'd call 'normal' period flow at one point - definately more than just spotting??!!
Anyway, my weird symptoms have been sore boobs, general tiredness, woozy headaches, almost constant nausea, heartburn, acid indigestion, going off certain foods, thirsty all the time, pee'ing in the middle of the night & pretty much feeling like I've been hit by a bus!!!!!!!
I think it's either my body playing very cruel tricks on me or a virus/bug type thing!!!!!!!
Having said that, I'm counting the days till I can do a preg. test - can't help it!!!!!!!!!!! I'm due around Thurs. 21st April so we'll see eh?!
God, it's soooooooooooooo hard isn't it????!!!!
I'm new to this site but finding it REALLY helpful - if only so that I don't feel alone or that I'm going mad!!!!!!!!!!!
Fingers crossed for all of us!!!!!!