New thread same old problem...again!? :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Hi Newbie to this forum page.

So, I should start off by saying I have a 7 month old daughter. An amazing success story conceived with ICSI.

We have suffered from the hands of unexplained infertility for years so Hubby and I thought maybe I'll be more fertile post pregnancy? So far no such luck on the BFP front, after having unprotected sex for 6 months.

It's different this time however, I have my daughter! The little girl I never thought I'd have and she is simply amazing! So at least I know I can have a healthy pregnancy producing a healthy baby so that's one positive.

I'm trying not to get stressed about it but it's still, even now, hard to admit that I need help with something that should come so naturally, huff!!

Sorry just need to vent, can't talk to anyone else about this.

I'm going to give it 1year then get the ball rolling for another ICSI cycle, huff!

Thanks for reading xx
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Gd luck with ur journey hope it happens naturally for you xxx
Kerrianne- just wanted to wish you lots of luck with ttc, I see from your ticker that it has happened naturally for you before sadley ending in mc. I'm really hoping that over the next year something will happen and no more isci will be needed, but a wonderful result of isci for us all - it really is clever when it works.

While you ttc , you will have some time to plan and save for isic too, so that will help by the time you start
Hi and so glad to read your post here :)

Im thinking ICSI is what our fertility consultant will suggest for us and the closer we get to the consultation date the more nervous i find myself fretting about the success rates and the costs for the treatment and its such a positive thing to be able to read someones success story here.

It does make me feel a little more hopeful that maybe it will work out for us too :)
I think the trick when going through any procedure is to try and be as relaxed as possible, it helps! I can't say what it was that helped us achieve our BFP but i had some brilliant doctors and received lots of advice/tips throughout the procedure from them. i would definately recommend the hospital to others as i am aware of their high success rate and a few of my friends also achieved success with twins after 7 years ttcing and it was their first go at icsi too!! it is a journey I would willingly take again when/if the time comes to give my daughter a little brother/sister.

I just wish it would happen naturally but then again, don't we all!!

Good luck, I'm sprinkling you with lots and lots of baby dust ;)
Where you force one egg and one sperm together, you can google it xx
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