Never been in so much agony!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2013
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I'm in so much pain, I've never been in so much pain before, even my twisted spine isn't this bad. I passed most of everything, but last night I started getting this awful pain. I'm not sure how to explain it, its in my lower abdomen to my ribs. Feels like my stomach is just going to explode. I can barely move, I dread going to the loo because it hurts so much. Is this normal for a M/C or do I need to go to hospital. I'm not sure how much more I can take, its constant pain and I feel more and more sick as time passes. I feel like just curling up and dying :'(
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I'm so sorry you're going through this. I had a D&C both times so haven't been through a natural MC but if it's too much to put up with then I'd call the hospital if your EPU is closed. I know that I was told to take painkillers if it started naturally but it's difficult when you don't know what's normal xx
hey hun i had a natural mc in november i was 6 weeks preg it was uncomfortable like a heavey strong period but i just took paracetamol and was not like you are discribing. I would go to theA and E if you are in this much pain, the least they can do is check you over. When i passed most of it the pain got a lot better and felt back to normal so i would def go in or call nhs direct? Im sorry for your loss its a terrible thing to go through.
I'vw taking so many pain killers nothing works :( I wasnt told what to exspect so I'm really panicky too. Even hurts to posh down on my tummy :(
oh hun it sounds terrible. i would def go in especially as you have passed most of it, so it should be getting better, i know everyone is different but i was back at work day after i passed it so not sure you should be in this much pain. Worth calling NHS direct and asking?
i had mc in oct hun i went in to hospital was kept in for 3 days i would go cause they can give u something stronger if u need it big hugs sorry u r going though this xxx
My OH thinks it's gas, could this be a possibility? I had a lot of gas the short time I was pregnant. I'm no longer bleeding, well hardy anything now. I've never experianced anything like this though.
Hey hun,

I would definately call someone, even if its NHS direct for them to advise on what to do. Is the pain easing at all, or is it still constant. What would you rate it on a scale of 1-10? So sorry you're going through this xx
Is there a chance it could of been ectopic? My midwife told me to keep an eye out for pains you wouldn't normally hear about with it like searing pain when going to the toilet like you mentioned. Like bonfire said, I would give nhs a ring xxx
I'm really sorry you're going through this. :hug:

I've had two natural MCs and it has never hurt to push down on my tummy during passing everything. I would really get check out by a doctor ASAP.
Lottie: its defiantly not etopoic, i saw the bub a week ago with a hb but it stopped 3 days later. However I passed the baby already and I had a scan to confirm that. Which is why I don't understand why I have this pain now when my m/c is practically complete :/

Lizsa: I'll try get into a&e, been there every weekend for last 3 weeks :(
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I feel asleep and now I'm in at least twice as much pain, I can't move at all, crying my eyes out, and even that is causing more pain.
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Do u think u could be an infection hun? Mine started on wednesday (the main bit hasnt started yet) but i havent been in any pain at all. I would definitely speak to NHS. Hope u feel better xxx
Woke up this morning the pain has gone down a little, I can get comfy now, and walk but its still hurts to actually get up and walk. I'm going to try and make a dr appointment tomorrow. I can't bare to go back to a&e again as I feel they don't take me seriously :( My OH and dad both seem to think its really bad gas. My tummy has swelled up, but I'm dosed up on codeine at the moment so I can walk again, I feel quite sick and passing wind its still quite painful.
I think you should get this looked into, definitely. I was in a lot of pain the second time around, but it went as soon as the baby passed (two days later) The pain before that was unbearable but after was fine.
It's worth being safe and getting examined xx
Really hope you're ok xx
Hi I hope you're feeling better. I'd definitely get yourself checked out - if it's an infection you can get antibiotics to treat it asap. I had a D&C but got infected afterwards and the pain was awful - I was crouching on the kitchen floor in agony. But the antibiotics cleared it up in a couple of days, and I was glad I went - wanted to make sure I was keeping everything spic and span for the next baby - whenever he/she pops along!

Really hope this is all over for you soon - mc is horrible enough without it being drawn out too :(
I dont think it sounds like gas hun. I have had 2 miscarriages and not had the pain you have described. Everyone is different of course but your pain sounds pretty bad. In these situations its better to get checked. You could have an infection and its best to even just call NHS direct and see what they say. Hope it all eases for you soon and so sorry you're going through this xx
Is it possible I've got an infection? I let my OH talk me out of going to the hospital. Although its not as painful as it was, I'm still really uncomfortable and I'm sweating, which is weird for me because I'm usually always cold, even in the summer.
It is possible to get an infection during/after a miscarriage. I would just get checked to be on the safe side and if they say its normal then at least you know. The fact that you are sweating could indicate an infection also. I am glad the pain has eased a little x
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I am sorry you are going through this hon, I had a natural mc 4 weeks ago and I have had 4 ERPC's also and never experienced anything like you are describing.

TBH, I would get yourself to the hospital because it is possible you have an infection hon. You may need anti biotics.

Good luck and I am thinking of you x

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