never gets easier

I've only just seen this thread Rach, and my heart goes out to you hun. You are going through so much at the minute, and if you want to come on here and have a rant, rave, or cry, feel free at any time. And you have no need to apologise for anything you say hun.

Speaking from a pregnant persons point of view, I would like to say that you will never ever scare me telling me what happened to your georgeous Jamie. We know all about the dangers/risks of pregnancy and afterwards. Just before I found out I was pregnant, 2 women from work gave birth to sleeping babies, and I know that at least one of them was full-term. She lost her little boy last October, and she still can't face coming back to work yet. It is going to take you time to get over your loss. They are the wrong words, but I don't know the right ones. You will never get over the loss of Jamie, but time is a healer, even though it really doesn't feel like it now.

You are going to be up and down daily, even hourly, and this is to be completely expected.

As for Luke, kids are very resiliant and will bounce back quicker than we do. It does sound like he need some sort of counselling though, it makes me mad that this still has a stigma attached to it. The poor kid probably doesn't want his mates finding out he is seeing a 'shrink'. I think that Louise's idea if having him go along to one of your sessions is a great thought, and hopefully will help him.

Keep using us as much as you need to. We are all here for you.

Take Care Rach, and I would love to see you in Birmingham on the 10th August.
thanks tankett hun im really hoping to come in august not sure if will be emotionally ready to face so many little babies all together but who knows heres hoping xxxxxx

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