Nervous Now

Im really sorry to hear this hun! Good luck with everything tho x
thanks girls

just cant control the tears at the moment, i feel pathetic x
Good luck with everything hunni, try keeping your chin up, i know its easier said than done.

I really feel for you hun i hope everything goes ok for you and you get good news xxx
the system is a bit shit... hope your ok and well all be here when you do need to talk :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
sorry to hear that. try not to worry about it. sometimes people concieve when theve been told they need ivf after years of trying. xx
really sorry to read this lovely thinking of you both xxx here if you need me lots of love xx
You take all the time you need - sorry to read this thread, lots of :hug: for you xx
:hug::hug:Will be here when you are ready to come back xx
Sorry to hear this hun. We are all here when you come back and wanna chat xx
big big :hug: u know where we are when ur ready x
oh hun, sorry to hear this... we're all here when you need us but will be thinking of you. Take care and hope to see you back on here soon - look forward to reading your threads! xx
:cry: Oh hunny I'm so sorry :hug:

Of course we're here whenever you need us xoxoxo
sorry to hear this hun... keep trying and keep ur chin up xxx
well it seems one of my best friends from primary school isnt so supportive.
My other best mate turned up at my door last night and just listened to me, and cuddled me through the tears, it was what i needed tbh. My best mate from school who now lives in aberdeen cam on msn and asked how i got on, so i told her and she seems to think that im bullshitting!!

then made me feel bad for feeling like crap, she said you have your son which is more than what she has so i should count myself lucky! (apparently she cant have ne kids)

I then told her that my sister text me asking how i got on, bearing in mind i havent spoke to her since before xmas cos she no longer wanted a sister (long story) so she randomly text me saying no matter what she would have a baby for me (WTF), so my mate was like oh she shuldnt have said that over text, but then totally stuck up for her saying well cos shes got PND she prob wont be thinking! I was like no u dont get it, i do not want her having a baby for me, some1 who can say im no longer there sis, ruin my xmas and refuse to let me see my nephew then all of a sudden offer to have a baby for me?? I dont think so! So i told my sis carrying a baby isnt the problem its concieving that is so it looks like im gonna hvae to pay some sort of money and in doing that i would rather pay to carry MY own baby....does that seem selfish??

Just seems the only people that have been supportive at all are my friend that came around yesterday, OH and you guys.......I at least thought my mate of 20+years would atleast show some sort of remorse....

Well i didnt last long away from you guys lol xx
:hug: you really get to know people at times like this eh? So sorry tho, you dont need to be made to feel any worse. Love how you sister just assumed carrying your baby would do the job, people dont know much about TTC! And yeah I totally understand, I wouldnt let someone who said those things to me hold my baby let alone carry it in her womb!!!

:hug: are you and OH gonna open a saving acount then? It so unfair that you have to pay :( xxx
yeah we are looking into a few things to hopefully get the ball rolling....even if we had the money now ive been told to loose weight! GRRRRR!!
My OH wants t speak to his mum about it, but i just know they will offer to pay for it (they are pretty loaded) but is it wrong that i dont want them too? i dont want them to feel they need to do this for us.
The thing that annoyed me about the sister situation was the fact that she knows that i dont have 5k, but offers to carry my baby?...does she think they would implant it for free? Plus this is gonna sound horrible, but i dont want her getting the spotlight of being pregnant with my baby and every1 praising her for doing such a good thing for me. Does that sound really bad? I dont even want the spotlight, i hate it lol.

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