Nervous Now

no doesnt sound bad. I can totally understand you'd want to be pregnant too. I mean if a woman cant carry a baby then its a great option but it must really hurt seing someone else be pregnant and kind of bond, and then give birth.

How much weight have they told you to lose? I hate it when doctors say that. Its like oh right cos I havent been trying but now youve mentioned it, Ill probably just offload a couple of stone before our next appointment!
thats the thing, they didnt tell me how much ive to loose, ive just to loose it! i have to be about 33 bmi to go through the IVF, i think im about 35 bmi, so how much is that i need to loose??

If she had told me that i wouldnt be able to carry a child aswell as not concieve one then i would consider surrogucy (sp) but that isnt the problem, its concieving that is!!

Just couldnt belive my sisters brass neck really, and then my best mate sticking up for her just cos she has PND...ive never had it so i dunno what its like but some of the things my sister has said or dun in last few months is unforgivable and not an excuse for her to get away with the things she has said xx
depends on your height. You can get bmi charts on google,find your height and see what weight makes your BMI 33. Then thats your target. They shouldve been more specific, it aint easy losing weight, especially when you dunno what youre aiming for!!!

PND isnt an excuse, everyone is in control of their behaviour and should be responsible for it. We all have our crazy moment, especially when hormones are involved but theres no reason not to apologise afterwards.
Good to see you back where you belong babe :hug:
she did apologise after new year and told me the reason she had been the way she has is cos she has PND, so i replied glad u been to docs and had it seen to.
her reply was thanks sis knew i could count on you for support...NOT u fcuking cow! i was like WTF?

cannae win wi that woman, after i told her that basically her womb is no good to me, she didnt reply so to me that just shows, all she was interested in was the spotlight.

When my sis was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and told she might not have any children (shes since had a wee boy and given the all clear) my mum told her at the time that she would have a baby for her and my sis was so pissed off at her for saying it....thats wots getting to me! she knows how pissed off she was when this happened to her, but it ok for her to do it to me?

I think im gonna blow a gasket tonight! And i dont want people feeling sorry for me either. But then theres my mate whos only having a baby cos she wants a coucil house and more money!!

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Why cant people just be normal lol

LOL thanks mamafy, feels good to be back, i can rant again and have pointless posts! Im gonna be here for a long time i think lol
Why cant people just be normal lol

good bloody question. I HATE when people have a child to get a bigger house. Its abloody life, and of course I dont deny you should get government support if you have a child and no money, but deliberately putting yourself in this situation just pisses me off!!
i agree 100% tiny!!

Theres people out there that are worse than me! and people like me that just want a baby, not wanting a bigger house or any money, they just want a baby to love and protect etc, but they cant!!

then theres people that get pregnant by one night stants (sorry if theres ne on here, no offence) but the ones that dont actually care about the baby and then theres ones that have abortions as some sort of birth control!! gets annoying!

I dont think im a bad person, i work hard for a living, pay my taxes, got good grades at skool, my 6yr old is happy and provided for, own house, car etc, in love with a wonderful man and we want to have a baby, but we cant unless we pay 5k! this world really is a big fuked up!
will you join us in girly? Might be the light relief you need, plus Alice is drunk :rofl:

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