Nervous Now


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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Ok so tomorrow is D day.....(infertility clinic)

Im kinda mixed emotions, one minute im excited, the next i really am shitting a brick.:oooo:

My mother is being a complete cow to me at the moment too, there was me thinking she was being supportive, but i was wrong.
I phoned her to remind her to get wee man from school tomorrow as im not exactly wanting to rush around the morn, so that was fine, but i told her i cant drive due to the high dose painkillers im on cos they really do knock me out lol, she was like "oh when i was on them i was fine.....WTF?" then she asked if my OH was working through the day now, so i had to tell her that he got paid off but doing delivery work at nigh...she didnt seem impressed one little bit
Resulting in her being a complete cow saying i doubt your gonna be in the hosp all day so you will probably manage to get wee one from school!
I said i know but incase im not finished in time, i feel better knowing that hes gonna be getting picked up just incase, to which she said well let me know by 2 if your finished! i said "mum im not exactly gonna take the piss here, i just like to know hes gonna be safe".

Well really hope things go ok tomoz, i will be sure to report all to you all lol.
I just wanna know what my chances are really.

Im rambling on rubbish now . sorry
Good luch Ema!!! I will be thinking of ya! xxx
thanks guys...

i never thought wanting a baby with the man you ove would be so difficult.

Sitting here in tears feeling sorry for myself, when i know its pointless cos theres worse people out there than me xx
thanks guys...

i never thought wanting a baby with the man you ove would be so difficult.

Sitting here in tears feeling sorry for myself, when i know its pointless cos theres worse people out there than me xx

It's not pointless, it's how you feel and perfectly valid.

I know what you mean about thinking that wanting a baby should be just one of those things that we can all achieve without too many problems.

Am sure it will happen for you hon - only a couple of days till testing - do you think that you're in with a chance this cycle or were you unwell during O time?
It doesnt matter hun, if thats what you want so bad then its your perogative to feel that way. Good luck for tomorrow, I hope they give you some positive info xx
i doubt ive managed it this month tbh, i tested one around O time and got a very faint OPK but didnt bother my arse after that. we bedded about 2-3 times after that but thats about it, didnt put any legs in the air or pillow under bum etc

i just know if they turn around and say we need IVF, we are screwed, cant afford it...doesnt help when i get the OH being so negative about the whole situation, i know hes struggling to deal with it, but i am too! keep seeing baby grows that i reaalllllly want lol
awwww good luck for tomorrow and keep us updated, I am sure you will be fine

Donna xx
good luck hope it all goes well tomorrow big hugs to you hunxx
will be thinking of you lovely got every crossed for you both and hope you get all the answers you need!!
even more wishing that you got luck with the couple of bding this month xxxx all the best xxx
good luck tomorrow hun. Im sure it will be good to finally get some answers. Hopefully they will have some useful info for you. Let us know how it goes and tell youre mother even if you are finished you'llneed to spend time with you OH talking through it so dont want to have to clock watch. Its important!

Got my fingers crossed for your results xxxx
Hope it all goes well for you tomorow Ema, at least you have got the appointment, better to have all the info and be looking into it, then you are always going to be in a better position than trying in the dark.

Ask lots of questions to make the most of your slot, make a list before you go, so you don't forget any in the worry of the moment.
well we are fooked.

we need IVF, and we need to pay for it as i already have a son, how stupid is that!?!? she told me to loose weight and that we wouldnt get IVF funding as i have a son living with me.

So if i had a son and he didnt live with me id get IVF funded, but doesnt that look like im an unfit mother? The system really does suck.

So im sitting here trying to figure out how me and OH can raise 5k, in tears cos theres no possible way and feel like a fat frump too.....OH's weight is fine, its just me thats the fatty.

Told the OH he should leave me and get wi a skinny bird that has all her bits intact, so hes out fiddling with the car.

We got blood taken, scans, etc so weve to go back in April to basically get more info on IVF. Told her we cant afford it so she then basically told us how to spend our money, even if it takes 3 yrs to save, we are still young enough which is true and she has a point, but it doesnt make us feel any better.

OH has to give another sperm sample in march and ive to get blood taken 21days after my AF to see if im ovulating, she wasnt impressed that ive been using OPK's. (cow)

I dont think i will b around for a bit girls, just need to get my head around things at the moment, but at least im home intime to get the weeman, dont think i could face my unsupportive mother at the moment, i think i would probably rip her ungrateful face off!

But i will be back my lovlies, Thank you for everything xx
ahh hun. so sorry to hear this :hug: sounds like she was abit of a cow! And whats wrong with OPKs? at least you've shown that you are committed and doing everything you can! I guess you and OH need to talk when you're both out of the shock :hug: We'll miss you on here!

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