Nervous about scan

Rhino Horn

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
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I am absolutely bricking it - I have my first scan on Thursday.

All of my pregnancy symptoms disappeared over a week ago. Stopped feeling sick, boobs stopped hurting. I haven't got any noticeably bigger... I have been in Egypt for a week on holiday and got an upset stomach and I am now so scared that something is wrong.

I haven't had any bleeding or cramping which I know is a good sign, but I can't believe that all my pregnancy symptoms should stop so suddenly, and all together!

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? The next couple of days are going to be so long :(
hi there first of congratulations and secondly dont panic this is normal, happened with my 1st son, ur symptoms are just dying down and ur in ur 2nd trimester now u should be lucky im still getting the awful nausea, u still have symptons whether u relaise or not whether its just tiredness, running to loo or strange food cravings things like this u dont always notice, try and enjoy ur 2nd trimester as its calmer than other 2, and have fun on thurs its amazing seeing ur little one ask for loads of photos, my scan is tomorro so excited!!! xxxxxxx
I am only just starting to feel a bit normal now the last few weeks have been a nightmare am sure all will be fine x
Sorry I should have updated this thread but I was updating another one instead.

Fortunately all went well!

I told the ultrasound lady I was petrified she immediately told me the baby was in there and there was heartbeat :) There was lots of movement too :)

I feel a bit of a dimwit for panicking so much, I have a feeling I am going to do the same before my 20 week scan.

Thanks for the support :)
Glad it all went ok. I think we're all in the same panicking boat!

SPC xx
Don't feel stupid honey! I cried at my scan I was so petrified! The scan lady did the same for me and immediatly told me there was one baby with very strong hb x x I am already bricking it for 20 week scan and I already know I'm gonna cry! Lol x x sooooooooo glad everything was well babe!!! Woohoooo!
Rhino, don't feel silly for worrying

Most ladies will worry about miscarridge it's only normal, but for all us lot on here the sheer number of pregnancys coming through the forum, you are going to see a small certain percentage of Mc's happening as all our pregnancys get to 12 weeks, it can't be helped, but I didn't realise how common it was till on here, and I have to say since my MC, I do worry for everyone as I see people progress towards 12 weeks.

So pleased your scan went well, and that you enjoyed it once you saw the heartbeat!

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