Needing advice


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2010
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Most of you know what i went through from the 4th but i am slightly confused.

I had passed a clot and look like tissue on tues, but no discomfort. The thing is i lost the pregnancy looking stomach and done a trest friday that said negative so i assuming that the pregnancy was over.

But today i have started swelling up again and have the occasional sore breast, i don't know if my body playing tricks.

what do you guys think am i seriously losing the plot or something??
Hi Denise, I don't have any definite answers for you either way, but when I miscarried I had all pregnancy symptoms for days afterwards. Are you seeing doctors tomorrow? Hope everything is sorted out for you and you feel better soon xxxx
I was not going to bother since i got the negative on friday, i didnt see the point, i guess i am silly thinking it still there
no, you're not silly at all - when I was in the hospital in loads of pain and bleeding I still hoped the test results would come back positive. It might be worth seeing the doc anyway just to get everything confirmed and check you are ok. Hope you feel better soon and remember we are all here for you when you want to talk xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ahh hun, sorhry your having a tough time of it, could it be that your ovulating again for your first cycle, my body was much more vocal at ovulation the first one after my missed MC? hope your body settles down soon
It quite common for ur body to be all over the place with diffrent symptoms as it tries to regulate ur hormons again. If ur worried i'd have a chat with ur gp, they are there to support u xxx
Thanks for the answers, i guess i should just be happy and get on with it i know i was being daft. I have a appointment at 10:AM that was booked in the first place over a week an half ago to tell them about the pregnancy in the first place.

I will decide later if i am going to bother going, I don't see the point on wasting a appointment if someone is else could do with it more than me.
Hey, dont be too hard on urself. If you feel the need to go and talk to a gp, then do so! You have been through a loss and are entitled to see ur gp to reassure urself x x x (if helps, i went to see my gp several times after my missed m/c and they were very understanding and made me feel so much better) xxx :hug:
Decided to go to the doctors at last min, after my friend nippped my head, he said that it prob was a loss of the pregnancy, but because i was so early stages he said he don't see why there no reason to try again straight away.
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Hey, i'm glad you went in the end and i hope they gave you some comfort and helped you understand what is going on for ur body. How do you feel about trying again? Is this something you want to do now or would you prefer to wait a bit. Take care x
We talked about it and we are not going to use protection and give it another try hope for the best, but we decided if have another chemical miscarriage again we are going to take a break for a few months and then try again.

In so many ways i am looking forward to try to get pregnant again but also have equal amount of doubts. I think if we manage and i get past the 5 weeks this time i will be a bit more confident.
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Glad your docs helped you, and that you will try again
Wishing you all the luck in the world X
What ur feeling is very normal, i must admit i feel torn both ways myself. I hope that every going well in the future xxx
its such a horrible feeling isnt it hun?

I passed something similar to what you said and its hard to get your head around.

Hope your ok, PM me if you need a chat xx
its such a horrible feeling isnt it hun?

I passed something similar to what you said and its hard to get your head around.

Hope your ok, PM me if you need a chat xx

Thanks ema-lou, i have days i feel brilliant, then last night and today i feel worthless. I thought i was OK about it all but now i am not sure.

I just keep going along as everything is fine, and enjoying bd time again but it is not really enjoyable at the moment. Think i must have just rushed it to quick, i am sure incase i get pregnant again, it will happen for the 3rd time so i guess i am running scared, even though i desperatly want it to happen.

I just dont know how more heart breaks i can take i have had a gut full over the last 2 years.

God i am so mixed up lol
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After a lot talking with my OH we have decided not to go a head and try for any more pregnancy's, I have 3 kids already from a previous relationship and he has one. So we are going to see which one is easier to get sterilised.

Prob wont be around much but all the best getting pregnant and take care, its been good to get to know you all over the last month and you all have been a great support.

Thanks again :hug:
Ah i'm sorry you wont be around on here anymore but i wish you and ur oh the best for the future whatever happens xxx :wave:

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