Sorry to post this ladies but can anyone give any insight. This miscarriage is such a mess compared to the last time. Last time I had a lot of blood and a few clots and a little gestation sac. This time the clots are enourmous. I have seen quite a large but empty gestation sac and a very obvious and quite big placenta. But what is confusing me is what I just passed. It is similar to a placenta but one side was coated with little white globials and the other side sort of looked like a placenta and is on the whole very tissuey it's about the length of my palm as the placenta was. I have no idea what this could be it is not a clot but having already passed a gestation sac and placenta I am at a loss as to what it could be. I am slightly concerned - any ideas? So sorry to be so graphic, this is the only place I feel comfortable asking.
Lots of love,
Becs x x
Lots of love,
Becs x x