need some help ?!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I have just been to maternity unit as advised by midwife today. I'e had some pinkish staining on pad and leakage. They have gave me anti-biotics as treating it as a urinary infection. There is blood in my urine and protein. I have came home and on my new towel there is just pinkish staining when it feels like i'm peeing, changed pad, came out of toilet and more came out onto new pad. Should I phone maternity unit again?

Also, on my notes I dont understand what a couple of things mean, just wondering if any of you can clear it up and tell me what these mean;

Fundal Height- 37 ?????
presenting part- Cephalic ?????
relationship to brim- 4/5 ?????

Thanks xx

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I think u should get checked to see if ur waters are going slowly.
Just be on the safe side.

Fundus is the top of ur uterus
Cephalic is the way baby is positioned

The last one I'm not sure of
Fundal height is how many cms from pubic bone to top of uterus (size of bump basically) cephalic means baby is head down and 4/5 means baby has started to engage xx
I'm actually sitting here about crying, they had me take all my bottom half off and lye on bed with a machine wrapped round me checking heartbeat and for contractions and said they were going to have a look and check the womb and do a swab or something, it has a name but I cant remember what it was called that the dr was going to do to check my waters havent broken slowly. Then she came back and said they are just treating it as a urinary infection and have sent me home with anti-biotics. Ever since I left the hospital my bump has been tightening right up and keep leaking pink fluid, but feels like i'm peeing, but it's not enough to soak a sanitary towel. I'm not sure what to do :-s xxx

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:hugs: if ur at all concerned then don't hesitate to ring ur mw/hospital,it's always better to b safe than sorry xxxx
If u don't feel right ur better off ringing,even if it's just 4 peace of mind. Xx
No harm in calling them back sweety. Don't panic, everything is ok, just get some reassurance xxx
No harm in calling Hun.

My stay in hospital on Monday night did result in 12 hours of contractions, so don't be put off with the Tightenings yet as they will fade out. Your antibiotics will need to work into your system so I would say that you may have pinkish discharge for a couple of days.

Just monitor your tightenings and baby movements and contact anyone you want whenever you want. X
You need to put your mind at rest and ask them, they won't mind honestly.

Don't know if this is the same but when my waters broke it was pink but it didn't feel like I was peeing though, I had no control over it.
hey hun you really need to get them to check if your waters are slowly breaking. Mine did. it felt lie i was weeing but just couldnt control it. i kept saying to my oh 'phil i think iv jus twet myself'. turns out the first time they chcecked they said my waters hadnt started going and 2 days later i went back again when i woke up and said phil i might have just wet myself again. Turned out my waters had started going. If thats the case you will need to have had your lo within the next 48 hours as the risk of infection to you and baby is very high if left without any anti-biotics etc....and mine came as slightly pink-ish fluid. if your worried then call someone and ask to have your waters checked asap. Also, if you can smell the liquid....apparently it smells almost like bleach. i smelled mine (tmi) and made phil smell mine and it smelt NOTHING like pee!! xx
Now is not the time to be conscious of what u feel is harassment. U n ur baby are ur priority n don't leave til they do an internal!!! If they make a mistake sorry just won't cut it. Go bk to the hospital n demand an internal. Please.
Now is not the time to be conscious of what u feel is harassment. U n ur baby are ur priority n don't leave til they do an internal!!! If they make a mistake sorry just won't cut it. Go bk to the hospital n demand an internal. Please.

yeah please do. make them check your waters xx
How are you now honey? Hope you've got checked out, I agree what everyones said so far, it doesn't matter if they think your pestering them, they are there to care for you, you and your baby deserve the best care availible and if you have to fight for it, fight. Hope you are ok x
I'm surprised they didn't do an internal! The minute I said I had fluid comin out I went and had an internal (at 20 weeks) to immediately check if my waters had broken. Hopefully they do the same for you sweetie. Xxx
i'm really not sure what to think or do. The whole reason I was at the hospital was because my midwife sent me when I was at my appointment. She told me they would do a swab and check inside at the womb to make sure my waters havent broken. They didnt do a swab and never checked inside either.
I was strapped to a machine that checks babies heartbeat and if there are any contractions. They said there was no contractions and babies heartbeat is fine and the baby is very happy. Asked me a few questions and told me to take my trousers,etc off and the dr will check me out. The dr then came back and said they werent going to check me out they are happy to treat it as a urine infection.

They also said that the pad they checked was dry and smelled of urine, not of anything else and that if my waters had broken my pad would be soaking wet and it would be like a constant leakage. They also said my urine has protein in it and blood (which i knew myself). I knew there hadnt been anything like BH when I was on the machine as I can tell the difference between them and just the tightness of my baby moving. When the baby moves it's just that area that goes tight, not the whole bump. But i've been getting lot's of tightnings that tighten my whole bump and at the same time the only way to describe it is I get what's like a period feeling in my tummy and a pressure.

The minute I left the hospital it started happening and had 2 more pad's of pink staining, also, when I go to the toilet I can see the blood in my urine. I've also been getting quite a lot of tightnings, niggles, pressure and cramps but not constant. Also, when i feel like i'm peeing and it's the pinkish colour, I cant control it, it just happens when it wants to happen, i cant stop it.

It's like the midwifes didnt listen to anything I said, they asked how many weeks pregnant I am while filling it out in the computer and still got it wrong and the descriptions is all wrong too. It's honestly like they dont listen !!!!

I'm not sure what to think or do tbh, i've took my second anti-biotic for the UTI though. I've spoken to friends and family (everyone who's had kids), they all say the same, that not everyone's waters break in a gush of fluid. Some people have the gush, other's break slowly and treakle now and again and other's dont break atall. I'm so confused !!!

I also went to the toilet a little while ago, wiped, and there was like a long, stringy jellyish bit on the toilet tissue. wasnt pinky or bloody, was more a dischargy colour ? :-s

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call them hun. You really need some proper advice from people who "should" know what they are talkin about. sounds to me like it is you waters tho! you need to get them to do an internal! and dont leave until they do!
I'm out staying at my mum's at the moment as my OH and his dad are at ours doing the nursery, living room and hallway up at the moment and thought it best I come out here while they got on with the work. Also, so I wasnt sitting myself all night. I've spoken to my mum, she thinks we should wait untill tomorrow (unless anything significant happens during the night) to phone them back if it hasnt calmed down. She feel's like they have diagnosed me wrong, she thinks there probably is an infection in my urine but also thinks there's more to whats happening that just the infection. She wasnt happy with what happend at the hospital either. She say's my bump looks lower than it did earlier and could actually see my whole bump tighten without me having to say anything to her a few times tonight. She also seen the jellyish substance when I wiped and has seen all my pad's and has been there when I've been "peeing" / "leaking" the pinky stainings. The tightnings have subsided at the moment, same with the periody feelings and cramps. I think I'll try get a good nights sleep (if that's possible these days) and see how things go during the night/ tomorrow when I wake.

I'm just a bit scared that if it is my waters, the fact that it could be a slow leakage and the fact that my baby and myself are at risk if that is the case with the fact I could end up with an infection that could harm my baby :-( xx

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id just call the hospital todday and make them check your waters. the wort thing that they can do is say no for definite.?! They normally make you lie down adn then stand up to seeif anything 'falls out'. However when mine went i passed that test sso they tried me lying down again and then a little while later they did an internal which they then agreed was waters. pprob good your with your mum!!!!!!! let us know how you get on and dont worry but dont let them brush you off until your mind is actually at rest!!! x

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