help need some advice *waters question* TMI ----updated----

Becky, I think when your waters go you will KNOW they have gone. Mine were all over my nightie, dressing gown and the floor - and then they continued to come out in gushes over the next couple of hours.

As someone has said, the hind waters are a little different - but they would still 'pool' in a pad and look like clear jellyish?
Could be the start :cheer: hope you enjoyed your walk xx
thanks girlies, again i have felt ok today, went for a walk and was really tired but i guess thats normal, leaking a bit but not as much, it is clear and doesnt smell like wee lol but its stopped now, its just very little bits at a time on and off so id say its prob hind waters

i have had a couple of tummy pains but not much and i have had another massive clear out :oops: never pooed so much in my life :oops:

ive got to see the doc early tuesday mornin so im im gonna mention it to her but if anyfin more happens im gonna call mw

It does sound like your body is preparing for the big event! My waters never went, and when I had them broken they didn't gush, just trickled. Good luck and keep an eye on things.

All the best,
I'd give your midwife a ring as they may want you to be checked out. Once the waters go you are at risk from infection :hug:
Hi love :hug: :wave:
Anything since last night????? :cheer:

credit ran out on my phone aigan(only put a £5 on) so untill i get some more put on i'll reply to your texts using james moblie if thats ok???

we need to update each other now on what our little monkies our up too :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

sarah :wave:
all ok sarah thanks hunni

after all this im still convinced i'll go overdue, baby just wants to keep me on my toes :lol:
Is there any chance it could be bath water?

It has happened to me a couple of times in the last 2 weeks, where after getting out of the bath and drying myself, i have noticed that there is still some bath water left "in" me (sorry if thats gross! lol) that trickles out.

Never happened before my pregnancy, just only in the last couple of weeks, maybe i am "opening up" a bit?

I spoke to MW and she said this has happened to quite a few people she knows.

If it carries on for a few hours maybe call MW to be sure.
it did carry on for a few hours saturday nite but nothing really since so im thinking hind waters or maybe it could have been the bath water?

im seein the doc in the morning, if it was the hind waters its ok as it must have sealed itself back up but she is going to check anyway
Its amazing the way these little monkeys play with our bodies and our minds before they decide to come out :roll: thye just dont start labour and get on with it ooooooooo nnnnnnnnnooooooooo
they has to tease us first :x :rotfl: :rotfl:

glad your ok looks like it was proberly you hinds but it's good your still getting it checked out

let us know what the middy says tommorow
sarah :wave:

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