Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

Well i only lost 2.5 pounds this week - im disapointed but i know its cos ihad a crap few days last week. Will try much harder next week for half stone award!!!!

I was only half pound away from my half stone award :x
But a loss is a loss! :dance:
Dont you dare be dissapointed with that hun, you are doing great!!
i hope i lose 2 pound this week i really do, well we had a good day today, i didnt eat any crap!i had..salad, jacket potato with coleslaw, no butter, i had a black coffee in Burger King!..(yes, i the hell did i manage without a whopper??) so i reckon i did i still cant believe i went in burger king and didnt have a burger!
No im not now thinking about it, i mean in 2 weeks ive lost 6.5 pounds! thats nearly what my daughter weighed when she was born :shock: so thats a lot and I am pleased - its quite a bit too lose in 2 weeks and the most ive done in a long time.

You can do 2 pounds easily rach - i aim to lose 3 for next week and get my half stone award!
that is a lot! that is like half a stone you know! lol its half a pound off thats all, we are ore or less doing the same, i have lost a 5 and then a 2 last week, i will aim for 1 this week, did you say you are using suppressants? if so which ones? i have some epherdrine in the cupboard and i am debating whether to have a couple of days on them this week, i have a hen night on friday so i am really hoping to get something nice o wear.
I was using them a few months ago but honestly im not anymore - they gave me bad headaches.

Its all dieiting and a bit of walking here and there!
Thats why they are in a cupboard! they used to give me terrible headaches too.
Mrs_Tommo!-well done! Thats a lot of weight! :cheer: :clap: And dont worry, if you cant loose more then 2 pounds a week. 1 to 2 lbs a week is actually a healthy weight loss, which wont come back!
Well done on the weight loss girls....I'm down 5lbs on my starting weight. Just cutting down and walking more etc. Started dieting properly 3 days ago so fingers crossed the weight comes off.

For those who have tried epherdrine (I have noted the headache comments) do you think they worked? I'd love to try them but they seem a little pricey and I don't know whether it's worth paying out if I get headaches from them and stop using after a few days type thing.
I decided to have a couple of Cadburys fingers earlier and next thing I knew the box was empty...I had eaten the whole box :oops: Needless to say I have stayed away from SW this week after my McDonalds, kebab, wine and todays fingers :roll:
Jules that very bad :rotfl: you chocoholic, have you considered getting a few weight watcher chocs - there very nice and will help curb your cravings! they also do wine!

Im very pleased with what i have done in 2 weeks, its a huge achievement for me!

Epherdrine pills honestly i noted a few pounds came off but i wasnt on them long enough - a couple of weeks i was on but with the headaches i dropped them. I couldnt diet, have headaches and look after my childrenl. I felt really sluggish -feel much better eating the way i am now.
Due to my recent naughtiness, all wine has been removed from my house :oops: There is a huge Galaxy bar in the fridge and every time I open the door I swear it says 'eat me'! :lol: Going to buy some of those WW bars to take the edge off my craving. Have got some sugar free jelly and have stocked up on fruit to snack on. Need to try get back on track :wink:

You're all doing so well, you need to come move in with me to stop me eating crap :lol:
INhave weight watchers cookies, cookie bites, mini rolls, blueberry cereal bars - yum and have white choc on them (drools).
I'm sulking I've tried really hard this week and I've lost nothing :cry: Not even had any naughties :cry:

Never going to loose this 16lb :(
What have you been eating Babylicious? There may be something in your diet that is stopping you from losing weight :think:
Go to a slimming club! ive lost loads of weight in the last two weeks and it doesnt feel like a diet at all - youl soon get it off hun.
Can I join in ladies?

I need to lose about 4stone :shock:

I lost 3lbs last week, don't kow how though all I did really was drink more water lol.
Snuggle said:
What have you been eating Babylicious? There may be something in your diet that is stopping you from losing weight :think:

probably too may potatoes and bread :(
Defintely bread and spuds, bread is a bitch and will put weight on! why not swop it for weight watchers bread if you must have bread. Its very low cal. I eat loads of it lol

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