Need a slimming buddy!PF Fat Fighters club:-)

I am on sofa with a duvet wrapped round me at mo coz I'm suffering with a very bad cold so think I will need to get some vitamins too. It didnt help getting up at 6am to clean up 4 giant poo's in kitchen, I'm off to buy a crate coz thats just bloody ridiculous :roll:
Babylicious said:
i gained 2 pounds, serves me right from being a greedy cow :wall:
awww just start again! it will be ok it will come off in no time.
well i have done ok again today.....
breakfast, cereal.
dinner, wholemeal pitta spread with reduced fat humous.
tea, steamed broccoli, cauliflower and new potatoes with pasta and sauce (made with water only)
i have been drinking, coffee (black no sugar) and coke zero.

Julie...i hope you are feeling better soon, try some vitamin c, the dissolvable ones from asda, they come in a tube, (ask if you cant find them cos they are quite good!)
its a bit quite in here tonight, are you all ill? that jelly the weight watchers sugar free ones in the little paper tubes? i hope so as i have just got some from morrisons this afternoon and i am going to make some of those fruit jellies, i couldnt find any other sugar free types.
xrachx said: that jelly the weight watchers sugar free ones in the little paper tubes? i hope so as i have just got some from morrisons this afternoon and i am going to make some of those fruit jellies, i couldnt find any other sugar free types.

No, mine wasnt weight watchers one. But, I guess, as long as it is sugar free it is fine! Mine was in little paper bags and looked like powder. Make sure you leave it overnight :hug:
Julie-sorry you are feeling bad :hug: :hug: :hug: Get some hot tea with lloads of lemon! Hope you will feel betetr soon! :hug:
Carina said:
xrachx said: that jelly the weight watchers sugar free ones in the little paper tubes? i hope so as i have just got some from morrisons this afternoon and i am going to make some of those fruit jellies, i couldnt find any other sugar free types.

No, mine wasnt weight watchers one. But, I guess, as long as it is sugar free it is fine! Mine was in little paper bags and looked like powder. Make sure you leave it overnight :hug:
awww good, it is sugar free and it is powder in little paper packs, i have got a fresh pineapple and some orange segments so i am going to have a lovely tea tomorow (i will make it in the morning early)

Anyone here know if Beanfeast is free on slimming world? or should i ask the ladies in the other thread?
I had my weigh in last night - i lost 0.5 lb - wasnt too disappointed though because I had ate too many treats - low fat ones but still too many. I am going to try only red days this week and no chocolate or biscuits because I think I need to break the addiction I have a bit - so going to have a low carb week and see how I get on - will still eat brown rice though and fruit - I couldnt give up fruit :shakehead:

Well done snuggle that was great

everyone is doing great :cheer:

I am determined to get my stone sticker next week!!
Hi girls, ive had brekky and this morning im going to jump on my thigh trainer! and do some working out, wih i had my own private gym thats for sure!
Rach, it depends which Beanfeast you have, the bolognese one is free, mexican one is 3.5 syns and savory mince one is 2.5 syns :wink:

Well done on weight loss Ella, try cut down on the treats to make it a bigger loss, nearly at the stone mark :cheer:

Well done on getting motivation to go on thigh trainer Sarah, I dont have the time to exercise now that I'm running around after Moo-Moo and puppy all day :?

Carina, I'm going to try your jelly thing too. I need to get out of PJ's and get some shopping. I'm soooo ill at mo :(
well done well again today, af has arrived early... :think: ...unusual.
i dont think i am going to go on the wii tonight cos i got some really bad pains in my back.. (period ones)
anyway i am off to grab some painkillers and have an early night, ready for my weigh in in the morning, i will be surprised if i lose any more than a pound cos i always bloat before af.
Good luck for weigh in Rach :hug:

I have had a bad day today and not doing very well with this diet malarky. The problem is I'm getting bored just eating salad and fruit all day long. I'm craving things like salami and various cold meat and chocolate. I had salami today coz the temptation was too much and I had a Kelloggs cereal bar thing for my choc craving. I'm not allowed any more than 15 syns a day and have had 24 syns today :oops: I'm pretty close to giving up and binging on pizza, chips, crisps and chocolate :(
Dont give up, its so hard giving up the bad habits. Ladies when we are slimmer we will have more energy and be back to going like rabbits again - think what you were like at 18 :wink:

For that reason alone, im sticking at it and to be able to look sexy again!
Snuggle said:
Good luck for weigh in Rach :hug:

I have had a bad day today and not doing very well with this diet malarky. The problem is I'm getting bored just eating salad and fruit all day long. I'm craving things like salami and various cold meat and chocolate. I had salami today coz the temptation was too much and I had a Kelloggs cereal bar thing for my choc craving. I'm not allowed any more than 15 syns a day and have had 24 syns today :oops: I'm pretty close to giving up and binging on pizza, chips, crisps and chocolate :(
awww i get bored too, how about corn on the cob,prawns on salads,jacket potatoes with pasta and sauce on, you can eat a whole pack if its made with just water! as for the choc cravings have you got any alpen light bars? they are sweet and there is a really nice choc orange one, you can have two of those on the SW, i think they are an A choice but not sure you would have to check, dont give up just yet, give yourself a day off once a week thats what i do, mine is a sunday cos i cant go without a sunday dinner.
well i weighed in this morning and i was inbetween 74 and 75 kilos so i have took the heaviest one, my dp worked it out to 11,11 ish i would be well pleased with that as i came on yesterday afternoon, i have put it in the weight converter online and it says that 75 kilo is 11,8. I havent lost that much so i am going to have to get some decent scales me thinks, the wii had me at 11,11 so i dont bloody know! arggg!!either way, its a loss.x
Ive not had too bad a week so far. But im struggling more this week - i hope to find some inspirtaion in WW cookbook!
Im going to try and make some turkey kebabs at some point -with peppers, mushrooms,tomatoes and turkey, what else can i make with it.

My oh has decided he wants too eat more healthily too.
mrs_tommo22 said:
Ive not had too bad a week so far. But im struggling more this week - i hope to find some inspirtaion in WW cookbook!
Im going to try and make some turkey kebabs at some point -with peppers, mushrooms,tomatoes and turkey, what else can i make with it.

My oh has decided he wants too eat more healthily too.

you could do some rice with it and jacket potatoes or some cous,cous, the Ainsley Harriet ones are REALLY nice!
oooo that sounds nice! im going shopping tonight for a few bits so will do it then.

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