Nearly due?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Argh 3 people at a car boot sale asking if i am nearly due!!! I have 12 week left...RUDEEEEE! Lol sorry i just feel like a fat whale now! xxx
I avoid talking to people sometimes now for this reason! Sick of it! LOL
You should cut them off by saying, no I have 5 months left, lol, they'll die of embarassment and will teach them for next time. Checky gits!
I'm getting fed up of people asking how long I've got left!

When I got asked that by a stranger, I just said to her "I don't know you, is my pregnancy any of your business?" She just looked really shocked and apologised and walked off! Victory!

Least i am not the only one haha...
OH flopsy lol!!! I wouldn't have the guts to say something like that lol...would of loved to of saw her reaction though haha xxx
You should cut them off by saying, no I have 5 months left, lol, they'll die of embarassment and will teach them for next time. Checky gits!

Go even further and look hurt and say "I'm not pregnant!" - then they'll be mortified!
Lol cantstop. They would think twice then!!

Shauna - it was very easy to say lol! I was in a bit of a bad mood and I just thought 'no! What business is it of hers?' I would never ask anyone I didn't know how long they have left. She really didn't expect it though, it was funny! I have a quite a mild face and I said it really quietly too - she must have thought - did she just tell me off?? Lol

Awww hun, isnt is weird how little people seem to know about pregnancy and pregnant women?! Considering everyone came from one! lol

I actually dont mind and love talking to strangers about myself (attention seeker at heart lol) but think i might start getting sensitive about it soon because ive gotton sooooo big lately! x
EVERY shop I go into and buy something from just milk to like buying lunch they just have to ask and proceed to tell me if they think I'm big/small, if I will go early or late, and ask if I am nervous about labour! It seems to be just getting worse the further along we get! x
Lol, im waiting for someone to say that to me, so I can retort with 'yeah not long - whens yours due'?
Hee,hee, would probably get myself in trouble though!

I get the oppositie - people assume I have loads of time left, and then look shocked, and just stare at my bump for ages, commenting on how small I am! I would never comment on the size of a bump, just how lovely the pregnant lady looked! :)
Lol, im waiting for someone to say that to me, so I can retort with 'yeah not long - whens yours due'?
Hee,hee, would probably get myself in trouble though!

I get the oppositie - people assume I have loads of time left, and then look shocked, and just stare at my bump for ages, commenting on how small I am! I would never comment on the size of a bump, just how lovely the pregnant lady looked! :)

I get the same, people don't believe how far I am along and looked shocked when I say 3 weeks, then say wow you are very neat :(
No one has ever asked me how long I have left or patted my bump - and I'm massive!! Beginning to feel left out, lol xx
ive been asked it. it doesnt bother me too much.

had a lady the other day ask if she could guess what sex baby was. asked me to stand to the side and she guessed boy. when she asked how far gone i was she said oooh your lucky your so neat and tiny i was massive when i have my son(she had a fully grown man with her which was her son)

then she said i guess he will be 7 and 1/2 lb.

she was lovely about it and just said a massive congrats and good luck. xxx
Before I was pregnant I've been.guilty of commenting on the size of friends bumps. Didn't think anything of it and didn't mean it in a nasty way. But now I know how it feels, won't ever comment again lol. Must be karma :p

Ive met so many lovely people at work ... complete strangers who have wished me good luck and said i look great - i think being pregnant has made me realise how nice people can be! x
Yeah some people can be nice! Apart form the rude ones lol!
Yeah pinky you don't realise until your in the situation yourself eh lol.
Do alot of people who you see in the street stare at your bumps too? Its like they have never saw a pregnant woman before :lol: xxx
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Im a bit like cherelle in that I don't mind people chatting away as long as they're being complimentary. But if they're saying Omg you're so big etc it does my head. Yep I've noticed people staring lol

Yeah i wouldn't mind nice things but i am sensitive about my weight anyways lol... i have an excuse now though :) xxx
i get it everyday! people asking how long i have left and they are always so shocked as I look ready to pop. quite a lot of people think i am carrying twins aswell. i am sick of it.!! x

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