help me!!

lisa31 said:
Not breathing heavily like darth vadar in ones sleep (thats my nickname from D/H at the moment!) :lol: :lol: Charming

Im with you all on all points!

My lovely DH has announced to anyone that will listen that I am keeping him awake by snoring! surprised he hasnt called me Darth by now.
I can ditto the snoring bit, my OH even recorded it for me so i would beleive him!! Nice!!

My bump is tiny and yet feels like a dead weight, i am tired and fed up and want to be normal!!!! I cant lay down comfy, i cant sit confy and want to sleep 24/7!


I have weeks and weeks left!!!!!!!!! AHHH!

I am sure there is an end to this and my baby will be worth it!! :shock: Then the sleepless nights get worse!!! :lol:
I am really breathless today, not doing anything to tireing either!

But I can hardly breath!

but yes, it is all worth it when we get our babies!
Mrs G - dont tell him about 'Darth' - you'll never hear the end of it!!!

I keep telling him how lucky he is that all he has to do is listen to me moan - he doesnt have any physical symptons that we have!!!!

L x

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