Nearly due?

im sick of the comments to the point when i go collect my son from school i now wait outside the gates till the bell goes as i think im going to freak if any1 feels the need to comment on the size of me what annoys me is one person will say oh u huge then another says u tiny why even comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha! Know the feeling its not just u chick, I was in the shop the other night & got told I looked knackered! & asked how long was left i said 12 wk & she went omg i thought u were due any time! cheeky bitch lol x
I dont mind to much people commenting, I comment on people bumps and never mean to make them feel bad but some people so look tiny and some do look huge! With my first I constantly got told how small I was and this time its been how huge I am constantly so Ive had it both ways. At the end of the day people are only commenting on your bump not telling you your fat lol Now if they starting saying wow your bums huge too Id start getting upset :!
I dont mind to much people commenting, I comment on people bumps and never mean to make them feel bad but some people so look tiny and some do look huge! With my first I constantly got told how small I was and this time its been how huge I am constantly so Ive had it both ways. At the end of the day people are only commenting on your bump not telling you your fat lol Now if they starting saying wow your bums huge too Id start getting upset :!

It is annoying, but i don't feel alone no more lol :)
I know i think i would kick off if someone said my bum was huge lmao!

I agree everyone starts commenting (even random people!) but it doesn't really bother me. Just gets boring saying how many weeks are left, when I'm due and no it's def not twins! I've had mixed comments on whether my bump is considered big or small so I think people just like to have an opinion! x
There's a woman at my work due day before me who is seriously around double the size I am and even though I should know better I'm OBSESSED with the size of her bump!
Lol.. people think I am small for how far along I am and I saw a woman who was same as me and she was huge!! I guess it just varies... sure you look blossoming xxxx
Have been out for dinner and lunch over the past two days and EVERYONE that served me or bumped into me and asked how long I had to go and if I was looking forward to it, looking forward to labour? Are they nuts :lol: x

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