NCT Nearly New Sales


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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They are great, i am loving them. Only been to one, LOL, but so well organised and so many great bargins. I spent a small fortune on Saturday but in the long run saved loads.

We are heading off to another one this Saturday, hope it is as good. Have to admit they do get busy and hubby and i decided enough was enough after about half an hour, but still keen to head to another one. I was so shocked how much hubby got into it and grabbing bargins left, right and centre. :)
I have never been to one but my friend is taking me to one at the end of the month!
If you pop on to the NCT website, click on nearly new sales and then pop in your post code it will give you all the local ones. They have them in the Autumn and Spring.

Have to admit they are a little mad and be prepared for lots of people, but so many bargins, i brought lots of things with the tags still on or in the box still, not opened.
I've got loads of stuff from them, been to 2 and my nan picked up stuff for me at the 2nd one. I cannot believe how cheap stuff is, and I got quite a few things still with tags on! Do it! X
im going at the end of november!! :love: never been before!
Im going sat i think but on a proper money worry at moment so not sure what i have to spare
They are brilliant - went to one a couple of weeks ago and DH did get into it and we got some great bargains.

There's not another one in my area until the new year but I'm sending my mum and MIL to one's down south next month.

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