Natural vs. Assisted Labour

I know it's been a long time since I gave birth, but I think it's out of order making you choose like that...

I think a labour plan should be a guideline, that is changeable...

Back in my day (lol) I always put 'openminded' because it was the best option for me..Baby No 1 I had gas and air, pethidine and epidural, it was long drawn out, baby stuck and not no 2, totally natural (it was to be a still birth, and I needed/wanted to be awake and aware throughout) Baby No3 was induced and prem, so was on the drip, very painful and the pethidine was given too late...Baby no 4 was totally natural and comfortable..but I managed all these labours because NO pressure was put on me, everything was agreed and performed as and when I and the staff thought best...

The other thing I would like to add is this...having a natural birth is lovely, but you have to feel in control and relaxed, having options removed because you had a pre agreed plan doesn't sound right to me...not in this day and age...x
go natural! i gave birth 8 years ago today!! to my son who is 8 today obviously!! i had a epidural but it meant i ended up with episiotomy and ventouse and 20 odd stitches!! because i coult feel when to push it got all complicated it also made me violently sick!! and i had the most amazing headache!! there were so many complications from having the epidural as they put my needle in wrong area so i could not move etc , !!! so if i fall again it will defo be natural!! xx
You might just have to wait and see how you feel when the time comes, everybody is different. I had gas and air and pethadine which i felt done nothing at all so wont even bother this time! I did want an epidural but it was too late and i found it didnt hurt once you needed to push, does anyone else agree with that???
Thanks everyone for your replies...

trixiehunnybun said:
You might just have to wait and see how you feel when the time comes, everybody is different. I had gas and air and pethadine which i felt done nothing at all so wont even bother this time! I did want an epidural but it was too late and i found it didnt hurt once you needed to push, does anyone else agree with that???

This is the way I am thinking at the moment... :think: I plan not to go to the hospital until I really, really think I need too... (I'm terrible so I may even pop on the living room carpet :rotfl: )

As second labours tend to be faster than first ones, I may find when I get there it's already too late for the epidural and I will just have to go it alone... :cry:

If I could have at least gas and air, I would have said I would have given the natural route a go this time, considering I had an epidural last time... but its the fact theres NOTHING other than a bouncy ball and a bath that worries me...

All I remember is it hurt a lot last time, so we will just see how really painful it was or if my memory is a little squiffy. But I do think because of my lack of options, it will definitely be a wait and see senario...I'll let you all know in a few weeks ;)
I know that some women have episiotomy and ventouse with epidural but I also had them when I gave birth naturally.

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