pain relief and labour

I know you're supposed to have a birth plan as far as drugs, but I do think I will only know in the moment what works anyway-you just got to get through it! Tens sounds great though, thanks for the information, I'm definitely going to look into it.
josiegirl said:
I know you're supposed to have a birth plan as far as drugs, but I do think I will only know in the moment what works anyway-you just got to get through it! Tens sounds great though, thanks for the information, I'm definitely going to look into it.

You dont HAVE to have a birth plan, i did one but the Midwives didnt even look at it, its not nessicariy (SP) as long as you make them aware you do/dont want something
All I would say is dont just think gas n' air.... I had one suck on it and was so so so sick (on the floor as MW didnt believe me :oops: )

I just had a shot or morphine and found that was great, it also let me get a little sleep through the breaks of contractions.

Just go with the flow tho..... your body will tell you what and when you want something.
You name it, i had it!!!
Started off with tens machine, liked that a lot, gradually tho it became less effective for me.
Tried gas and air - projectile vomited all over DH!!! :puke: :oops:
Ended up with epidural (I had whats known as elongated second stage i.e. pushing takes far too long cos baby keeps popping back up the birth canal!) So seven hours of pushing, but unable to feel legs so stuck on my back with husband holding one leg and MW holding the other - how attractive!! :oops: Couldn't have cared less tho. Epidurals are great for the pain but this time I am going to try and cope without so that i can walk about, hopefully gravity will help speed things up this time :)
Good luck whatever you decide
^^ hun, that's what I had!! he kept going back up :rotfl: also the midwife had to hold one leg and my husband held the other and I just thought nothing of it

Glad I got out of possibly having an epidural

josiegirl said:
I know you're supposed to have a birth plan as far as drugs, but I do think I will only know in the moment what works anyway-you just got to get through it! Tens sounds great though, thanks for the information, I'm definitely going to look into it.

I decided when I was in labour what drugs I would have and before labour you don't have to decide what drugs you want. You could change your mind. I had a birth plan (my birth was a booked and planned home birth which ended in an overdue baby being delivered by emergency section) and I had my birth plan in the middle pages of my notes

My notes were never near me, they were always being taken away by someone (with the birth plan inside) and to be honest, I forgot it was there and everything was so unexpected that it wouldn't have made a difference anyway
Epidural for me every time. I thought it was great and made giving birth such a pleasure :D :D :D
Did it DIY this time on my little boy but had epidural on my daughter, bloody fantastic, could have given birth to a rhino and wouldn't have had a clue :D

My advice - take it one step at a time and if you need it- have it!
Hi I couldn't cope on just gas and air so I had diamorphine(like pethidine) and an epidural. I don't think I would have the diamorphine again as I think that is the reason I felt so drowsy and tired for a couple of days after the birth but the epidural was amazing as it gets rid of those horrible contractions in an instant. I was using the gas and air and I had had diamorphine when they put the needle in my hand and I had the epidural so it didn't hurt at all but it may hurt more on just the gas and air i'm not sure. I think that even if it did hurt a bit it would be nothing compared to the contractions. You might beable to cope on just gas and air I suppose it just depends on the type of labour you have(I was induced). I know they say when you have an epidural it takes a lot longer to push the baby out but I was only pushing for 1/2 hour and although I couldn't get out of bed after for a couple of hours after as my legs were like jelly I still had some use of them. I think next time I will hire a TENS machine as they sound good for early contractions which still bloody hurt. I think you can hire them from BOOTS.
thanks ladies. this has opened my eyes abit.

id like to try and stay away from anything which makes me drowsey. as i want to be able to know whats happening and for after too.

the epidural does sound like a god send. so i will certainly consider that when the time comes.

im hoping the pain of the labour will over ride my fear of needles lol.
Hey there hunnie...
When I had my first baby i used tens machine for about 14 hours and it worked a treat but then i think i got immune to it, i also then had gas n air, pethidene and about been a wuss...but it was 22 hours of labour but I was also induced with Haylea which from what i can gather is supposed to hurt more due to labour been brought on. With Ashlea it was totally different, after having stretch n sweep went into labour less than 12 hours later had gas n air, asked for pethidene which they gave me but she arrived 10-15 mins later and the pethidene takes 20 mins to work...i was more away with the fairies after I'd given birth....
I would just say go with what you feel, although when i had Haylea i had stated under no circumstances did I want an epidural so when i was screaming for one my partner had to sign a consent form as i wasn't in a fit state to do...he had to give them his permission for me to have i'd say don't say no to any of it, you never know what you might want. Hope it all goes well for you.....whateva you decide you will have forgotten all about it the moment you are holding your baby....xxxx
Got to 7 cms with gas and air, tens and birth pool. Was knackered and transferred to hospital so thought sod it i'll get some pethidene - i too was totally against it but it was the best decision i made and wish i'd done it earlier then maybe i could have had my baby my way and not in theatre with a spinal block, ventouse, episiotomy and tear.

Everyone is differnet and i know some friends hated peth but for me it just chilled me out and took the fear away - i'd have it next time as Jakey was 100% fine after it.

Just see what happens - keep an open mind - i thought birth plans were so sophisticated and wrote 2 sides A4 but on the day the only thing i did stick to was no c-section!

Good luck x

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