Natural induction methods??


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Well the clary sage arrived today (am currently relaxin in the bath with it in) mite have madras for tea and then pineapple to follow although I've just read that I'd need to consume 7 pineapples for it to have an effect-u quite like fresh pineapple but don't think I'd dare walk into tesco and buy 7 lol

any other methods? Although I know most of them don't work,it's fun tryin tho :D
how is the clary sage working for ya??? I have mine ready and waiting but I wont use until 37weeks just in case :)

my mum swears by castor oil as she reckons it worked for her with my brother, personally I would rather try everything else before drinking something nasty lol
Today's 1st time I've used it-it's definitely good at relaxin u but not sure for anythin else. I've been googling like mad and apparently massagin it into the lower back helps stimulate contractions so gonna get dh to do that later xx
ooh thats great I will have to tell dh that one too :) Im sure someone on here said something about acupressure before too so maybe give that a go
With DD I took RLT and bounced on my ball, she arrived on her due date! So maybe something worked.
With DD I took RLT and bounced on my ball, she arrived on her due date! So maybe something worked.


Sticking my nose in here but I did the above (drank the raspberry leaf tea instead of tablets) with DS, bounced on my birthing ball every evening for an hour or so and DTD and the very next morning after DTD I went into labour @ 37+6? One of those had to work, or a combo of all of them! lol
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oh god dont do the castor oil its shocking and did nothing for me
I heard rasberry leaf tea works better than the tablets, also another old wives tale is to eat a chilli whole. Not sure i'll be doing that though!
Think il pass on the chilli,just been and bought a shed load of pineapples so gonna try that later-1 at a time so I can stop wen/if I feel I'll lol x
My friend drank loads of raspberry leaf tea and swears by it x
I was told for pineapple to be effective, you need to eat the core as well which has the enzymes in that trigger labour. I personally didnt even get through one whole one before my tongue was stinging!
Clary sage oil just smells nice. Put it in burner n put some on bump n nothing happened.
I'm still drinking my raspberry leaf tea (taste yummy with 2 tsp of honey)

Gonna blow up the ball later n give it a roll about :D
I'm taking the rlt tablets instead of drinking the tea ?!??! Anyone out there who has done both and can tell which worked
rubbing your nipples, 15 minutes each one. like rub the palm of ur hand in circular motions around the nipple and areola area.
then switch to the other nipple after 15 minutes, for like an hour.

when i had contractions a few days ago it made them alot worse and stroinger when i do tht, and every time i
do it it sets of braxton hix.
well ive finished my clary sage bottle now and nothing really came of that, i am going to have a mug of rasberry leaf in a minute :) its discusting but oh well! havent tried the nipple thing, may do that in my bath later :) x
I'm on pineapple number 1,and madras is cooking away. Gonna get dh to massage my back with the cso as soon as kids r in bed...then il get him to do the nipples lol xx
I used to have 2 tea bags in mine to make it stronger with 2 sugars! It used to bring on my BH while I was drinking the tea!! It's wicked. Also, meant to make the second stage of pushing a little easier too. That part wasnt too bad for me so may be something in that!
Surely it's easier to drink pineapple juice rather than eat so many pineapples!!! I can imagine the furry tongue would sting like mad eating all those!
Surely it's easier to drink pineapple juice rather than eat so many pineapples!!! I can imagine the furry tongue would sting like mad eating all those!

nope its got to be fresh pinapple
Canned or juice doesn't work cos the enzymes become lost in the process. My tongues already stingin a bit after 1 although it was an extra large lol x

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