what else can i do??!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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its full moon time!

ok, so i've had no show - and barely even any discharge... no BH to speak of (i'm still not entirely sure what they should feel like!!) unless you count very mild period pain/lower back ache - neither of which i've had today...

so, today i:

* have had a hot bath with clary sage & lavender
* have eaten several kiwi fruit (i don't like pineapple :))
* am going for a walk after lunch
* am making hot curry for tea
* have taken 2000mg of evening primrose oil (my alternative to sex... :roll: )

what else can i do to get the message across to trog that i'd quite like to meet him now please???!!!
oh yeah... did an hour of it last night but haven't tried today... might give paradysso's suggestion of the breast pump a go! :D
am off to give it a try whilst OH is out! will report back shortly!!! :) :)
well, i'm now bouncing on my ball with a pump attached to my right boob!!

i'm seriously starting to wonder if, rather than pregnant, i've just gotten very fat for 9 months, and all the kicks were just gas!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl:
purple13 said:
well, i'm now bouncing on my ball with a pump attached to my right boob!!

i'm seriously starting to wonder if, rather than pregnant, i've just gotten very fat for 9 months, and all the kicks were just gas!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl:

LMAO! Imagine that! :rotfl: :rotfl:
nope, no braxton hicks...

sod the full moon - anyone wanna take bets on how far over my due date i'm gonna go?! :wall: :wall:
Foot massage, heard that can help. Sorry not much help but u seem to be doing all the things that i will be trying. I also rem trying to be really energetic like going quicker up and down stairs.

marie x

have some pasta for lunch with loads of sage in it. then for after massage bump and top of thighs with jasmine and clary sage oil.

bounce on ball and tweak nipps

give urself an internal, do what evers necessary to reach cervix, even if it means using your arm like a vet :rotfl:

have curry for tea, and castor oil and OJ for afters.

more ball bouncing followed with filling your fanny with Evening primrose then giving yourself a huge orgasm....

i think thats it for now...
hehe, thanks paradysso - i'll get cracking with your ideas, starting with the pasta - i'm soooo hungry today :) :)
purple13 said:
well, i'm now bouncing on my ball with a pump attached to my right boob!!

i'm seriously starting to wonder if, rather than pregnant, i've just gotten very fat for 9 months, and all the kicks were just gas!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i seriously recomend tweaking the nips they give me loads of bhs... the breast pump didnt do sh*t for me lool i tryed it the other nyt n it hurt like hell :evil:

walking up n down the stairs :D
i quite liked the breast pump... :lol:

have tried nipple tweaking and breast massage too - and no BH... :(

i'm blatantly a freak!! :lol: :lol:
nah, it didn't hurt at all - felt quite nice actually...! :oops: :lol: :lol:

nothing's bloody working yet though. i just know i'm going to outlast everyone else who's due after me :wall: :wall:

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