

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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Right basically Owen's naps are different day to day and I've never really had a set routine and he fits around us. I mean, generally naps been fine, apart from sometimes difficult to go down but we're getting there. He will often put himself to sleep now with his blanket 'bunny' :) and seomtiems needs a helping back rub.
That's all fine really but the thing I'm wondering is should I make his nap times more structured. Lately he's been waking up at 5.30am then going for frist nao at 8ish (if he wakes at 7 then nap will be 9ish) soemtimes he naps for 45 mins sometimes 2 hours. Rest of the day will be the same. Sometimes 2 naos sometimes little power nap in the afternoon. Should I try putting him down at same time in the am then waking him after 30 mins and encouraging him to have his long nap in the afternoon - after lunch?
I get a niggle in my head then start doubting myself :(

What do others do? (part of this niggle been brought about cos when he's at childminders she does this set routine...-she's totally lovely btw but has just got me thinking...)

Amy x
Can't help Im afraid Hun as Tegan naps whenever she wants and won't nap for no more than 30 mins at a time most of time! i've tried to get her to nap at the same time everyday it makes her nap better then we go out for a day and were back to square one xx
marley doesnt really have set naps tbh. he'll have an hour max, mid morning and i make sure he doesnt sleep past 4pm, otherwise bedtime routine will be screwed! i just go with the flow & if i see hes getting growchy, put him down!
Ive never tried to put Donovan into a routine ever, ive always followed his lead but fortunately he has always put him self into his own routines. He has two naps a day give or take half hour each way they will be the same time of day. He gets up at 7 and will nap from either 9 til half 10 or half 9 til 11 depending on what time he had the morning nap he will nap from either 12.30 til 2 or 1 til 2.30 he goes to bed at half 5. ive always let LO lead me routine wise and hes always settled into what suited him then i work round that.

in ur situation maybe u could try follow roughly what the childminders routine is? it may be easier for LO if he has the same routine everyday? im not sure :-S sorry not much help i know!
My LO will nap when ever she gets tired. Usually shes not awake longer than 2 hours still. She'll be asleep for about 1-2 hours a time. She sleeps ALOT! (just so you dont get too jealous...she barely slept for the first 6 months of her life lol). I wouldnt bother tbh with the routine thing. Just carry on as you are.

When I put LO in nursery I told them she doesn't have a routine so dont bother with one and they still tried one and my LO was unhappy all the time :(
Isla is the same Augustmum, she is awake a couple of hours then naps for one or two hours, this continues until bed time! She's barely awake and still sleeps 11 hrs at night. As soon as she gets grumpy I put her to bed. No routine, I just play it by ear
Noa naps whenever, hes having bottle 6ish, then goes straight back to sleep like today he woke me up 10.20..
Second nap is normally around 12 for 1-2 hours n then amotherone at 4 for 1-2 hours then bed 7-8

He sleeeeeps n sleeeps .n sleeeeeeps
thanks everyone!
I'm just gonna keep on with what I'm doing, it works or us (well most o the time!)
they really are all so diferent arnt they?
Sometimes I get this little seed o doubt about what I'm doing and then it grows and grows-and I usually end up asking on here!
We've managed just fine without a routine and set naps I think we'll just stay the way we are :)

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