Naps 6months+

Is that 12 hours no waking up atall? Im tryin to get Noa to do 10 h no feed tonight, so far he has woke once.

Ivcant belive Drake is 7 month!
Yeah 12 hours no waking. Not even for dummy. He's just done 11 hours and is wide awake now! x x
I know Evelina! It's crazy!

That's fantastic Charley slept through again! After a horrid 2 nights Drake slept through again! :yay:
Yay!! Well done drake!! Hopefully he'll carry on sleeping through now x x
Isla has 3/4 naps, if she's grumpy I put her in her cot and leave her too it, she normally falls asleep.

Past week she's been sleeping 9+hrs and last night is nearly 12! She woke once bit put herself back to sleep, that was at 4am and shes still asleep now so I guess she's not hungry in the night.

Well done everyone! Xx

My plan didn't work and at 4 I feed him as he keept waking up every 15 min n I was so tired! That was 8 hours any way. I just want to sleep. I think if demba don't work this weekend I will sleep in the lounge n leave him to do feeding
My babys 9 months old and has 3 30min naps through the day, hes ready for a sleep every 3 hours or so x

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