

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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hello ladies, just looking for a bit of clarification/advice

I have a 7 week old boy. I keep hearing/reading about putting him down for naps at the same time each day and having a set bedtime.

However, Harry just seems to sleep between his feeds. If he is awake its usually just for 15 mins or so and then he gets grumpy and tired.

I put him down to sleep in his nursery etc at these times and try to do his last feed at night in the nursery but Im a bit confused as he just sleeps most of the time... he isnt awake long enough to put down for structured naps.
F is 6 weeks and we follow a loose rolling routine. Similar to the one frequentlt mentioned by little miss :o) basic principles are EASY. eat, activity, sleep, you. She's awake for around an hour including feeding time. After food shes.awake either with me, on her mat, wherever and then goes for a sleep. Until she wakes so sometines 2 hours sonetimes more, but she generally feeds evety 4 to 5 hours in the day. So no 2 days are the same times but I do at least know whats coming next. Dunno if that helps but i didnt fancy set tines etc as this way it is fkexible and she fits it in around what were doing. Apologies for typos - on phone! X
Past 2 nights we've set bedtime between 7 & 9 and either bath, feed, bed or if timing wrong and she's hungry earlier we split feed either side of bath. And past 2 nights she's then gone 8 hrs til next feed! X
F is 6 weeks and we follow a loose rolling routine. Similar to the one frequentlt mentioned by little miss :o) basic principles are EASY. eat, activity, sleep, you. She's awake for around an hour including feeding time. After food shes.awake either with me, on her mat, wherever and then goes for a sleep.

hey lettie, my LO is six weeks and i'm not able to get him to sleep except for straight from a feed as he often falls asleep then. how do you manage to settle your LO after playing with her? xx
I'm just picking my way through so dunno how helpful I am LOL. But I think the key is not letting then get overtired. So when she's had an hour or so awake and she starts to yawn, her eyes sometimes go crossed LOL and she grumbles a little I swaddle her and she has a swinging chair and put her in that rocking sometimes try with a dummy but she's not very keen and she drops off. She's harder to settle in her Moses in the day but have been drawing curtains and popping her down. I let her sqwark (sp) for up to 5 mins(not properly crying tho) as personally I dont like leaving her genuinely upset. If after a that time she's still grumbling I go back in stroke her face, maybe retry dummy, make shushing noises til she's calm (try not to lift her if she's calming with voice etc) and then leave room, first time took several goes now takes less. If she's overtired tho she takes much more time to settle. I don't know if any of that makes any sense or is any help just try and pop him down, dozy but not asleep, keeping your hand on him or stroking his face and he 'should' drop off. But much easier said than done! Try and keep him active after feeds so he doesn't sleep after feeds and doesn't fall asleep at the breast. sonetines it requires waking F a bit as she would sleep after boob but actually when woken(by lying her down, nappy changing, firm winding over shoulder etc) she's at her most wonderful, smiling and alert as she's had sleep and a full tummy! good luck Xx
I didn't start any sort of routine until Jack was 6mths old. Even now at 7mths we can't always follow it if he wakes too early or too late etc but we're getting there. Personally i'd just enjoy you're tiny new borns and worry about routines when they're a bit older. Or you may even find they'll slot into their own routine :) x
We were very lucky she came out on a 3hourly feeding schedule on her own and all weve done is tweak the order of things. Shes fed on demand etc, sleeps when shes tired and now by herself has gone up to 3/4hrs ish. She leads us weve just been fortunate as how good she is. and this way I know shes had enough sleep etc and when shes awake shes 'generally' alert and fairly contented.
We set a bedtime of 8pm no matter what at 8 weeks and went with the flow for everything else!
Grace will now feed every 3 hours during the day and only be awake for 1/1.5 hours in that 3 hour period.
I've started to be strict with the afternoon nap 4/4:30pm otherwise she starts to get cranky & overtired! We've moved bath time to 7 so bedtime is now 7:30 as she just can't stay awake any later

I think these are out 2 most important sleeps, anything can depend in how she feels, if we're out etc
We set a bedtime of 8pm no matter what at 8 weeks and went with the flow for everything else!
Grace will now feed every 3 hours during the day and only be awake for 1/1.5 hours in that 3 hour period.
I've started to be strict with the afternoon nap 4/4:30pm otherwise she starts to get cranky & overtired! We've moved bath time to 7 so bedtime is now 7:30 as she just can't stay awake any later

I think these are out 2 most important sleeps, anything can depend in how she feels, if we're out etc

Tinks did she sleep through the night from 8 weeks. Xx
Do u all write this down to keep track? I dunno if there is any pattern to Cam's sleep or not :think: think I'm gonna have to start a journal.
Positivity - no but we've only have 1 night feed about 2/3am since then.

Bottle & Bed at 7:30ish
Bottle @ 2/3am ish
Up & bottle @ 7/8am ish

Like clockwork unless she's unwell/extra cold ect

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