Power Naps!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Does anyones baby like to have power naps during the day? Charlie doesn't sleep much during the day other than 2 or 3 20 min naps (on the couch not his cot). Its a nightmare when I'm trying to get stuff done because I can' t leave him but if I try putting him in his cot he is a wide awake baby!

He goes down in his cot fine at night which is great as he appears to know the difference between night & day but I would like him to sleep for a bit during the day!

Any advice would be great!

Lou x
Hiya, I dont know if this will help... but this is what I do. I always start my day at around 7am, even if he is fast asleep I wake him up and give him a bottle (he usually wakes up at this time anyway now as he is used to it)
Then he gets tired at about 9am so I put him in his pram and he has half an hour. The longest nap he has is 2 hours from 12pm - 2pm (roughly) and this nap is a very important one apparently. Leo struggled to sleep for the full 2 hours for weeks, but I just had to leave him, even if he was wide awake, luckily he never cried as I put him down before he got tired (about 11.40) to give him chance to wind down, otherwise he gets past it.
If Charlie doesnt cry, I would just keep putting him somewhere comforting and quiet and leave him for as long as you need to get on with things, he might finally get the picture and drop off to sleep!! :)
Riley is like this, he sleeps for 20 mins maximum during the day :bored:

Ive tried everything i can think of, but i think it's just how he is. he's a wide awake boy! maybe once he's walking he'll tire himself out i hope!! :pray:
Thanks girls! I suppose its just trial & error. At least he is tired at nighttime - so far anyway!
My LO was like this from about 10 days old. Still is. He slept a grand total of about 40 minutes today in 3 naps :roll: And was up at 6.20 am and asleep at 7.10pm.

I remember being really frustrated with it in the early months but then decided to just get on and do things when he was awake. So long as he was happy and content either in his chair or basket I'd run round and do all the household stuff rather than waiting for him to sleep. He adjusted really well to this and I am able to do this still even at 8 months plus although it is harder now to be able to run round for longer than 20 minutes or so before he becomes restless. However I am never far away, often in the same room and if not only next door, so its not a problem for us.
Amber doesn't sleep much in the day and spends most of her day on her play gym! She loves it! I have noticed though, whenever we have been out for a walk, she falls asleep in her pram and then she sleeps for around 3 hours, have no idea why!
If you need to get things done around the house, put him in his bouncer or whatever he sits in whilst your busy, as long as he is in the same room and you are talking to him he should be quite happy to do that, he'd probably enjoy watching you and listening to your voice and you would get stuff done so you'd both be happy! :hug: :hug:
hiya hun,

try getting him out of the house in his pushchair.. works wonders for Ollie..

Claire x
Yep...I have a power napper too. When she wakes up from a 20 min power nap I have started leaving her for 10/15 mins to see if she goes back to sleep...she usually doesn't, but on the odd occasion she does :cheer: !!!! Apart from that i just work with it...run around and do jobs while she sleeps etc let her nap when she needs it. I figured thay'll come a point where she'll be old enough and she won't need daytime naps anymore!!!!
mine is a power napper too, i just strap him into his chair and bring him into the kitchen with me if i want to clean the kitchen etc. he will usually play with his toys for about 30mins before he gets bored and i try to whizz around getting things done in half hour. then he'll fuss, go to sleep for 15 mins and then eyes will snap open and he is ready to go again!! i swear he thinks he has been to sleep for about 3 hours!!

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