Long naps!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Could Ellis's long naps be why he is waking at night??

He has started napping for 2-3 hours..... but he is still tired at 7-7.30, but he is waking at 3am onwards.

But he has got a runny nose and a cough when he is sleeping so do you think hes naps are to do with being a bit poorly??!!

He is really confusing me at the min xxxxxx
does ellis have a drink during the night hun cause Alfie wakes up for a drink now but i never hear him anymore because i put his drink in his cot with him. How many naps does ellis have now Alfie only has the one and its normally between 1/2 hours and i didnt know if he was supposed to have more as he refuses to sleep more in the day. is he waking up as if its time to play or as if hes wanting something?
Hiya Keely,

Olivia has also beenwaking up at night, she has 1 sleep in the day she usully goes down about 12 and i wake her at 2 to get her ready for picking Brooke up from school! She would easily sleep longer if i let her!

It doesnt make a difference how much sle
ep she has in the day she still wakes up!

She has also gone off her bedtime bottle so i have been givin her ready break instead so i thought she was waking because she was hungry, but it isnt that because she refuses the milk!

She Just screems and screems but the minute i pick her up she shuts up! My HV thinks she is doing it because she knows i will go into her and pick her up! She told me to leave her to cry, which i have already tried but its heartbreaking so i gave up, anyway i tried it again last night as DH and i am so tired and cant cope anymore and she stopped cryong after about 20 mins!

ill stick with it to see how it goes i just need to be strong!

Have you tried this with Elllis? maybe it will work?
thanks for your replies girls.

Steph... i have tried offering ellis a drink but he refuses and screams more.... so i dont think its that.

Kelly .... I think ellis is doing the same.... i also find it very hard to control cry at night.... the crying seems soooo much louder at night!!

Last night Ellis woke at 5.20 and i CCed him for 20 mins then he slept for another 20 mins and woke at 6 so i got up with him. I am going so hard to keep it going but some nights he wakes at 3am and crys and settles every half hour till morning!! :bored: :sleep: luckly i have been sleeping with his naps too. I am bloody knackered too!!! xxxxx

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