naked time


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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i know im supposed to let noa get some air to his bum but have not done the whole no nappy thing yet..:roll:
i know it will be a mess i cant even change a nappy without him havin a pooo or wee on the towel..
so how do YOU do it and how often? i def need to start this asap
I've not been brave enough to try this either - but he loves just laying their in his nappy playing on his playmat!!!
im thinking do you fold a towel n lay under and over him without wrapping it just to protect everything else from his mega wees and super splashes of poo?
Hmm i'm guessing maybe when he's awake and just had a nappy change but not tired or feed time just give him 10 mins before his bath time...i might try it over the wknd when OH is home!!
I didn't do it until they were older than Noa is - after the first few weeks they stop weeing and pooing every time you take their nappy off :lol:
I do it every day and always have done. The little mattress covers you get for children who wet the bed are good to start, but i just fold a little towel under her during a nappy change and let her kick about under her gym. She wets it half the time but with the amount of washing i do it doesn't matter (i just use a muslim now). i also undress her in the bathroom and lay her on the mat whist i run her bath - i know she appreciates this time as she almost rolls with nappy off.
I do it more to make sure she doesn't get nappy rash as she is having solids now x
I used to give Odhrán this when I was changing his bum, I just used to lie him on his changing mat and put a towel under his bum and believe me most of the time his wee was right down my leg before I got the towel over his winky :lol: I say if you are gonna start it then plan it before his bath just incase there are any major accidents :lol: xxx
I used to let Lacey have naked time everyday for 30mins on her changing mat. Ive only done it once with charley so far cos he hates being naked and screams even when I start undoing his vest!!
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We do this every day for about 10 mins. I lie him on a large towel and flip the loose end over his willy. We haven't had any pooh accidents yet but he almost always wees.
We do the same as Helen. Every day Drake gets no nappy time and before bath times we let him be naked for 5. He absolutely loves those moments!
ill start tonight then :love: noa dont lilke being naked but i want him to get out of them nappies now n again
I think it definately helps ward off nappy rash! I always let his bum get dry before putting a nappy on and all 3 of my boys never had it.
Maybe keep his vest on if he doesn't like being completely naked xxx
Paige has nappy free time at every nappy change. I put a clean nappy under her and let her kick and thrash about lol. She loves it! And shes never had nappy rash so far. Paige hates being naked so its only the nappy is off :)

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