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Aug 14, 2007
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Im looking into using cloth nappies but have a few things that bother me about them and I would like to find out what other Mums do.

My main concern is cloth nappies causing nappy rash and I know that changing frequently is recommended. Now what I would llike to know is how do you get on during the night? Do you use cloth at night or use a disposable? If you use cloth how often do you change during the night? What if your baby sleeps through how do you MAKE yourself get up to change baby's bum? I dont want my baby to be laid asleep all night in a wet dirty nappy and thinking it may be easier to use a disposable but that defeats the point of cloth.

Many thanks in advance for your reply :)
LO has never had nappy rash in her cloth nappies and I don't need to change her any more often than disposables. I think it's less apparent that they may be wet as you don't get that horrible chemical smell when they are wet like you do in disposables (just one of the resons that I prefer cloth). I use cloth at night as well, all I do is add an extra booster to her nappy and she goes all night without leaking :dance: It does mean she has a rather large bum and it is a struggle to get her sleep suits on sometimes :lol:
the only nappy rash teds has had has been after wearing disposables. cloth nappies are healther for your babies bottom as the nappy is natural.. disposables are full of chemicals and plastics the chemicals get absorbed through the babies skin.

we dont change nappy overnight he goes from 8-7 in a cloth nappy it has to be massivly boosted but he is only going to sleep..the nappies in teh day need to be changed less frequently that a disposable.. if you have any questions i will be happy to answer any you have. if you are interested in finding out how much money you will save i have lots of info on my website xx
What do you mean when you say you boost the nappies for night time?
well i use shaped nappies and there are seperate absorbant parts called boosters which i put in at night to make the nappy more absorbant.
i use cloth in the day and a disposable at night :D
I use cloth all day and all night, never had nappy rash.
I use both and IMO the cloth is better, DD uses disposables and DS uses cloth, DS gets less nappy rash and when i use a disposable he gets worse. Using cloth or disposables isnt going to make a difference to whether your LO is sitting in wee or poo all night. At the end of the day is they arent happy they will wake up anyway, i have never woken mine to change their bum!! The only reson i use disposables for Isla is because she is bigger and has a medical condition which means her poo is :puke: and i dont want the cloth ones ruined.

Cloth all the way i say! :cheer:
I read somewhere that nappy rash can occur if you use too much detergent when washing cloth nappies. Because the wetness sits closer to the skin it can react with the detergent left in the cloth and cause irritation. I think they recommend using about a third of the amount of detergent that the manufacturer recommends.

I found when I was washing my cloth nappies ready that even with that amount you could still feel a stiffness in the cloth. I did a wash without powder in afterwards and they felt much better. I am really tempted to try the eco balls as they don't use any detergent chemicals. I'll wait and see how we get on though :)
I've used cloth since the day i brought her home from the hospital. Thea has only ever had a disposable on when we were flying and they are bloody awful in my opinion! They stink, i kept changing her because all i could smell was the nappy and it was barely wet.
I'll stick with cloth, Thea has only ever had nappy rash once and that was after a flight and a delay in Heathrow which meant she was using disposables for a whole day.
Isaac only got nappy rash when he started teething at about 4months, and up to that point we'd used disposables, so they definitely didn't cause nappy rash for him. We use cloth now but a disposable for bed, just because I don't want to be waking him to change him and disposables are trusted whereas cloth can move out the wrap and leak etc I believe cutting down in disposabel use, no matter how slight, a good thing, and I would recommend cloth to anyone :)
Wow thanks everyone for your replies.

Well I had always intended to use cloth but I just wanted to get the "hang of things" before i used them. I still have a number of disposables left as I started buying nappies as soon as I reached 12 weeks pregnant but once they start to dwindle I'll definitely be using cloth for Maia.

Still in 2 minds whether to use a disposable at night I suppose the only way to make my mind up is to trial run both cloth & disposable and see which I prefer.

Now I just need to work out which colth nappy to go with and whether I use a laundry service or wash them myself!
theres nothing more satisfying than a line full of lovely white nappies :D ahh.. actually when i made valentines pink nappies i felt a pang of jealousy.. I WANT PINKNESS!! hahah.. hmm i might go dye some of teds some nice funky colours tmro :D
Just because I didn't see anyone else say they'd done this... When Jack was first home we did change his nappy once during the night after a feed. After a while he got distressed of we did that so we started to use a bigger sized nappy cloth, and once he got bigger and was wearing the bigger nappies in the day we bought some degradable disposable pads that fold inside the nappy and he stays comfy and happy all night.

The only time he has had nappy rash is when he's been very poorly (i.e. twice) and that would have happened no matter what we put him in.
whats the cost like for cloth nappies, do you find you use alot of money on leccyas they need cleaning so frequently??

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