

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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I feel so naive for not picking up on anything at all to do with imposters.

I look at this forum all day in work and mightnt necessarily respond to all posts but i am keeping up with everyones progress and post my own concerns.

Im really confused and dont see what anyone would get out of lying in a forum like some certain individuals. I dont see the point.

What with a certain person from tri 2 and another certain person from tri 3 (possibly) outed it makes you naturally wary of who is telling the truth and who isn't :(
yeah it's pretty sad that people can make stuff up like that.
And especially about such things
lol, don't worry- I am completely unaware of when people are lying... I just thank my lucky stars that even though I got myself knocked up young and don't have a load of money- I'm not case for good old Jeremy!
Are there really known liars about? God how sad that they've nothing better to do. I'm obviously naive too as this possiblity hadn't occurred to me. Who are they?

I think I was quite niave about it too!!! I wasn't observant enough to notice anything really dodgy about Miss BB, although I must say, a couple of her posts rather put me off her; she wasn't someone I particularly warmed too. It got me wondering how she'd suddenly lost one twin and seemed to be absolutely fine and at home the next day, and her reaction - well I found that rather odd!!!

Not sure who the other possible person is either - don't know many in tri 3.

Partner warned me that there may be hoaxers as he uses forums alot and is involved in moderating one but I guess I just couldn't see why someone would make this kind of stuff up!!!
I was suspicious of our freaky friend from the start and voiced my worries to the mods a couple of weeks ago BUT this doesn't mean you're more naive than me - it just means I have too much time on my hands to read lots of posts and trawl through Google :D

This site is sooo busy it's hard to keep up with everyone so you would have to spend a bit of time on here to really spot these pathetic people. Does that make me sad? Eek! :oops: xx
I must be in the naive club too cause I didnt spot any fakers either.

I even had a bit of a run in with BB (I don't think I was the only one either) and kind of formed my opinion on her very quickly and decided not to respond to what she was saying because I didn't agree or like what she had written most of the time.

Like others have said I thought her comments and moods were a bit odd bearing in mind what was apparently happening to her.

I feel sorry for the person who really went through what BB was pretending had happened (that is assuming that the photos that were used were of someone who is genuine and who had really lost a twin, or am I just being naive again)?

As for this new faker Sally+Baby well I fell hook, line & sinkered like most other people.

Some folk are just weird, why would you want to pretend to be someone else?
I ws really shocked about the most recent one, I replied to her post in the baby section and everything!!

I just thought the first one was a twat anyway so no skin off my nose there, but i deffo know what you mean.

I also feel a bit para, ie when i post do ppl think im a faker? Does anyone else think that?? not that im a faker but that they feel funny about if others will be weary...

I honestl cant believe ppl do that, how flipping sad can you be??
Oh no not another one!!

This is the 2nd with babies lost and having posting pictures of them. This is terrible, how can they think of doing such things, how selfish and damn right irresponsible.

I feel sooooo taken in by both of them, their stories got to me so much, now I feel so much sadness for the real mothers & fathers who went through this pain who don't even know some impostor is stealing their pictures and stories.

Sorry for the rant :oops: :oops: :oops:
hiya i don't post very often on here i come on and read people posts and a couple have upset me so i come off i can't see why people would want to mess with other peoples emotions.

i agree with steelgodess if when i post do people think i'm a faker, thinking about it i don't know if my story is believeable to other people so i hope none thinks i am

i am only 23 and i have been married 6 years which is not normal really i have had 2 misscarriages and i have 2 beautiful boy and one on the way and i do have ms, i don't think its normal nowadays to be married so young and know the things i do know,

sorry just having a rant now

i didnt realise either of them were fakers either. :oops: i never even thought that people would bother doing things like that. its sick and twisted. :wall:
I havn't been on here since ttc really so have no idea who or what you are talking about but I have been upset by an online 'friend' who was making things up.

I am very wary now
I hadn't come across Sally and baby either but was affected by bellybumps story.
I think this is going to take us all a while to get over as it feels so personal for someone to take advantage of our emotions like this on a pregnancy forum. There are so many women (and men) on here that are genuine and do deserve our attention and support so I don't think we should let these silly girls take up any more of our time.
I've gone through a period of thinking people might think I'm not real and felt really paranoid for a while and I've stopped going on here as often as I used to (although thats still a lot!) but I've realised this website has been the biggest support I've ever had. There is no way I could go through all this without the kind words I get when my hormones rage, or the questions I get answered from just looking at others posts.
I'd like to thank you all for any support past, present and future and will continue to add any supportive comments etc when I can to everyone. If there is someone I feel slightly suspicious of I will let the mods know and let them sort it out. I don't want to feel wary of everyone anymore.

If you are a faker reading this, then just bugger off and find yourself another hobby- preferably something that won't get you committed or arrested!
I'm totally lost :? Were have you seem about these people?
I must just check the threads of people i've half spoken to so to speak or baby brain has got to me worse than i thought :roll:

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