My Rainbow - Eleanor Rose

So Eleanor has gone on a nursing strike except for her middle of the night feed, so I think our days of bf are really numbered.

I hoped I could make it to 3 months but I very much doubt we'll get there as my already pitiful supply will plummet without her nursing. I feel silly for setting a target as I feel like I totally set myself up to fail. It hurts my feelings when she won't nurse which I know is stupid, but I just wish I could explain to her how hard I've had to work to get what little milk I have and that I can't do it without her!

In the long run I'm sure I'll be much happier once we stop bf and I don't have to worry about expressing etc anymore but I just really want to get to the three month mark. It's possible that I'll end up just bf overnight and expressing what I can during the day until we hit 3 months on 13th August.

Just have to see what happens I guess....

I'm so happy! She nursed last night and is currently on her second nursing session of the day! No idea why she's suddenly decided she wants boobie after literally getting rage when I've offered it to her the last three days! This girl of mine obviously knows her own mind!

Awwwww, she really is gorgeous Emily!! Congratulations again, you've been through so much heartache in your journey, enjoy every single day with your precious bubs:) X And well done with persevering with bf, I could never do it and felt disheartened. But you've done a great job :)
Glad she's feeding again, strong willed little one by the sounds of it :) xx
Currently sat here nursing my baby girl! I'm so happy she wants to bf again! Long may it continue!!

My friend from work came round today with her little boy who is 2,1/2 weeks old. He's such a cutie!! He's quite a big boy already, either that or Eleanor is just really small for her age! Lol! So lovely to see the two of them lying there together! Kinda makes me want another one already! Lol!

Going to put this in here so I've got it for the bad days...



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Wrote a whole long update.

Didn't bloody post!!


CBA now so off to bed and will do it tomorrow instead. Again.

So Eleanor had her second set of jabs this week. They weren't as bad as the first although she did have a bit of a crying episode in the afternoon :-( Certainly not looking toward to the next ones at all!

I'm so happy that we made it to three months breastfeeding. Well combination feeding! There were times when I really thought we wouldn't get to three months, what with her developing a bottle preference and going on nursing strike sporadically. But, we did it!! I'm not setting another target and will just take each feed as it comes. I keep thinking oh I'll start to wean off the domperidone etc and ease up on everything and then she'll randomly latch (like she did today!) and I'm like no I won't! I'll keep going for as long as she's happy to. I've got a freezer stash on the go and hoping to be able to give her at least a half and half feed of mummy's milk.

She's only had the occasional night feed for the last coming up to three weeks. Although I'm not getting a full night sleep still, as she does stir so I'm up putting her dummy in to settle her. Still it's better than trapsing down to the kitchen to do a bottle. I did wonder if maybe she still needed a feed overnight but she was weighed on Weds and has gained and still tracking centile perfectly so she's obviously getting enough. She'll take anything from 4-6 oz at a feed and go anything from 3-4 hours during the day.

Cam is still besotted with her and is so attentive to her. He rushes to her as soon as she cries and tends to her by giving her the dummy. It's so cute!

We're off to the zoo on Saturday for Cam's birthday. It's at times like this that I really wish I could breastfeed exclusively. It's such a ball ache having to cart formula and bottles everywhere as they are so blimmin bulky! Ah well! Needs must eh?

All in all things are good! Need to get better at getting my ass outta bed in the mornings and getting the dogs walked but otherwise I'm pretty on top of things at home for the most part.

I've started getting together a list on Amazon of presents for the kids for Christmas. Not too sure what to get Eleanor, at the moment she's got some stacking cups and a toy box on her list. Just want a couple more little bits for her but not going mad as she's so little she'll have no idea what's going on!

Glad you made it to your target of breastfeeding :)

That's such a good idea to put together an Amazon list. I don't know what to get Sophie but I am sure she will be spoiled, she is the the in-laws only grandchild and she is everything to them.

The zoo sounds fun, I'm sure Cam will love it and what an adventure for bubs, seeing lots of new things.

Sounds like Eleanor is a fab little sleeper, can you ask her to have words with my one please :) xx
She doesn't sleep for very long during the day, unless she's on me but does do well overnight so I can't complain really!

Cam is so excited about the zoo it's unreal! We went there when he was 2 but he was still a bit little to really appreciate it. He's going to love it this time for sure!

Eleanor's Christmas list at the moment comprises of a set of stacking cups and a toy box. I might wait and get her bits a bit closer to the time so I can see where she is developmentally and what toys would suit her best.

She's so cute Emily. You've done amazing with the breastfeeding too, I hope you're really proud of yourself!

Have an amazing time at the zoo. Cams a great age for it! Xx
I've just brought anyas first Xmas pressie too! A little wooden train with her name on. I'm liking the stacking cups idea. So hard when they are little and I now my boy is a bit older. He's right on the cusp of stopping believing in father Xmas... so we beef to keep up that pretense too!
So bloody happy! About a month ago (22/07 to be precise) I decided I would freeze my expressed milk and try and get enough for Eleanor to have a bottle of mummy's milk. During that time her appetite increased to the point where at times she drinks 6 oz no problem! She'll normally have 4-6 oz per feeding. I was aiming to get 3oz for her so she could have at least half mummy's milk. Anyhoo, I filled all my pots (been using little weaning pots) so decided yesterday to defrost it and see if we'd managed to get our 3 oz.

:dance:8!!!!!! There was 8oz!!!!!! I got 8 oz of milk for my girl!!!!!!:dance:

I split it into 2 4oz bottles to be sure not to waste any and she had one last night and one this morning with a small formula top up after.

It was so great to see her drinking a whole bottle of my milk!

It was so hard to gauge how much was there in the little pots and it's literally been a few mls each session that I've added in and frozen after a few days. It all added up though and I'm so proud of myself!!



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Awww Fantastic hunny x I've not tried expressing in ages gonna have to start again soon!
Tubing arrived for our homemade SNS yesterday. Mixed results so far. She fed beautifully last night but not so well today unfortunately. Still, even if we just use it for a feed of an evening or as and when she'll take it, I'll be happy. To be fair I'd be fine if she didn't take to it as I hit my goal of 3 months so I'm feeling like we accomplished what we set out to do.

She's had a bit of a cold and been a bit Snuffy the last few days but not too poorly with it touch wood!

She's not had a feed overnight for a while now although I'm still up popping her dummy in a few times each night. Sometimes I'm too quick to tend to her as she's sound asleep and just shifting position etc. I just worry about her disturbing hubby when he has to get up for work although half the time he's still snoring! Lol!

She's got no routine yet but I'm trying to do bath and bottle around the same time each night but she's not getting the idea of bedtime just yet! Lol! Daytime naps etc are still all over the place and vary massively in length! I'm hoping once Cam is back at school I can get a bit if a better routine going with her but we'll see. There's plenty of time as she's still only young.

She's mastered rolling from her back to her front and loves standing up!

I really think the SNS could be what prolongs our bf journey. She had a lovely feed earlier and took it all at the breast. I'm not sure how much breast milk she gets at the same time but regardless it'll be more than if I just gave her the bottle! I wish I'd found out about it sooner but it was never mentioned to me as an option for when I top up. Still better late than never I guess!

I've weaned down my domperidone to 20 mg 3 x daily and so far (touch wood) I'm still getting the same amount when I express. Will stick with that for a week and then try dropping another tablet and try and get on as low a dose as possible without losing my supply.

One year ago today I found out I was pregnant again. It didn't mean a baby for me though, as the last three pregnancies had tragically ended in miscarriage. But, that little life grew and grew and snuggled in safe and sound for the long haul. I still can't believe I'm lucky enough to have my rainbow baby girl!


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