Four months old! How has that happened?
She's had her last lot of jabs for a while and been weighed again. She was exactly 13lb. I've put her in 3-6 months clothing which looks so huge on the hanger but isn't all that big on her.
All but one of her Christmas prezzies has arrived. She's got a toy box, stacking rings, a glow bug, a play mat and waiting on some stacking cups to arrive.
The bedtime routine isn't going great. She has her bath and a feed usually from the SNS and although she gets sleepy it's not often I can put her down without her waking up again. Still I'm persevering in the hopes that she'll get the idea...eventually!
I've decided to wean off the domperidone now. I figure for the amount of milk I actually make it's not worth keeping medicating myself. I'm hoping my milk won't dry up but if it does then so be it. I can still nurse her using the SNS if she's willing to. I'm just struggling to find the time to express in the mornings sometimes and struggle to find the motivation of an evening, especially for just a few mls! I'll probably just do it once a day and twice if I can be arsed! It would be great to combi feed for six months but it's getting to me at the moment and I'm wondering if I'll be happier once I've stopped it all and just nurse as and when she wants to with the SNS.