As much as it was painful ,(although I think this was among the worst!) I used to feel very reassured by ov pains when TTC as at least I knew things were working!
Just back from the gp for my 6 week check. All is good and I have sorted contraception. Hubby will be getting the snip but gp said can't get referred until baby is a few months old, then there's a waiting list, then need two negative sperm samples so all in all it's likely to be a few months until it's all sorted. I've got the pill to take and hoping it will help my ov pains too!
Gp said that in regards to what you can take when bf has all changed and it's OK to take it now after baby is six weeks. If it helps my ov pains then I might stay on it!
Bad news about my hayfever meds though. She said that it's advised not to take it when bf but that's likely to just be them covering their backs. I've only taken a couple when it's got really bad and seeing as how I'm not ebf I'm sure the odd one now and then won't hurt.
HV is coming tomorrow for her 6 week check and she's all booked in to have her jabs in a couple of weeks.