telling the other half that i was pregnant was one of the things i waslooking forward to because he has always wanted kids and great with them, he says he wants 5!! (yeah right lol)
i told him andgot a big hug and well done. when we go to scans he gets a tear in his eye etc, i feel so proud to be making him a dad
when i talk to him about the baby, he sorta clouds over, like hes not listening and i get a mumble or sometimes not even a reply. things like "ooh the baby is treating me like a football today" il either get no responce or a grin. ive tried talking to him about it 3 or 4 times but he comes and hugs me and says ofcourse hes excited and nothing is wrong, but nothing changes.... he goes back to being the sae and its reall starting to upset me because i feel very alone and like im going through this by myself when its our first child and we should both be enjoying this.
its not helping as i have depression from before i was pregnant and been on prozac for over 10 months so i tend to get emotional more but this isnt helping
any ideas what is wrong? we are engaged aswell and planning a wedding for 2009ish, no rush and thats when he sugested but its the same with that now... we havnt even decided where to get married let alone a date, ive asked him numerous times can we go and look at a place and he says no problem but it never happens, he also said hes not having second thoughts.
i just dont know what to think
i told him andgot a big hug and well done. when we go to scans he gets a tear in his eye etc, i feel so proud to be making him a dad

when i talk to him about the baby, he sorta clouds over, like hes not listening and i get a mumble or sometimes not even a reply. things like "ooh the baby is treating me like a football today" il either get no responce or a grin. ive tried talking to him about it 3 or 4 times but he comes and hugs me and says ofcourse hes excited and nothing is wrong, but nothing changes.... he goes back to being the sae and its reall starting to upset me because i feel very alone and like im going through this by myself when its our first child and we should both be enjoying this.
its not helping as i have depression from before i was pregnant and been on prozac for over 10 months so i tend to get emotional more but this isnt helping

any ideas what is wrong? we are engaged aswell and planning a wedding for 2009ish, no rush and thats when he sugested but its the same with that now... we havnt even decided where to get married let alone a date, ive asked him numerous times can we go and look at a place and he says no problem but it never happens, he also said hes not having second thoughts.
i just dont know what to think