Should i be worried?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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My cousin (the one that lied to every one about me) is 16 and just left school. Hes so easily pushed into things its untrue. He lies all the time and makes stuff up for no reason at all. His friends use him and take money off him and he slags me off to them and then says to me that im his best friend. The when i see him he slags his friends off then the second hes away from me hes best friends with them.

Iv just looked on his myspace and hes added pictures of some random child and said its him when i know its not. On his blogs hes wrote a massive speech about how much he likes this boy and he make him happy and so on. Then the boys commented saying "we will meet one day". :? Why would any normal person be attracted to him? I know that sounds harsh but i dont know how you can be attracted to some one so imature and stupid!! Dont get me wrong i love him to bits but it worried me when i read it.

His mum told me that she hates all his friends because he comes home crying all the time that hes been picked on, but when hes on myspace and other chatrooms he raves about them saying how nice they are. He also added loads of random pictures of Amy whinehouse and said i took them at her gig which i didnt!! What should i do?? :shock:
frangelle said:
How old is the boy he's got pics of? Is he really young?

theres a picture of a baby thats about 3 months and another one of a toddler, there not the same baby and its definatly not him! :|
how strange.
leave him to it jenna. keep out of it.
jenna said:
frangelle said:
How old is the boy he's got pics of? Is he really young?

theres a picture of a baby thats about 3 months and another one of a toddler, there not the same baby and its definatly not him! :|

That's really odd, you don't think he has any mental health issues do you?

I'm a bit confused he's written blogs about how he likes which boy? Sorry I am very slow!!!
Just some random boy he found on myspace. But hes added some pictures of a baby and said 'this is me', im guessing he's saying its him so the boy will think its him, maybe he asked to see pictures of him when he was little? im not sure, i dont mind him having a relationship with anyone but the guy seems really mature and my cousin is like a 5 year old. He still drools all over the place and plays up when you take him out :? i dont understand why some one would be attracted to that. I dont mean to sound horrible i know it seems like i am but when i see him i see a little kid.

he's stole some one pictures of a baby and said its him theres obviestly something wrong with him. Maybe i should just leave it, i dont he's every going to change, its only a matter of time before this lad finds out how weird he is! :shock:
Your cousin sounds very mixed up and vulnerable. The way he changes his story to please the person he is telling it to would really concern me. How old is this other guy? Does your cousin look young for his age? I would personally talk to his parents about your concerns.
His myspace says hes 16 aswell. But from his comments to my cousin he seems a lot more mature. I've already told his mum about one of his friends that he walked off with when we were babysitting him (yep she asked us to babysit him at 16 years old!!) and she went crazy at him but hes still hanging around with her. Shes such a bad influence, its like he always has to be something he's not just to fit in with every one.

I might just email her the link to his myspace with out him knowing so he cant deny it and say im making things up because im mad about what he said about me. :think:
I would get in touch with his mum.

I don't see much wrong with being immature at 16 (he is still a child at that age) but it certainly sounds like he could be putting himself at risk.
Minxy said:
I would get in touch with his mum.

I don't see much wrong with being immature at 16 (he is still a child at that age) but it certainly sounds like he could be putting himself at risk.

I agree, boys tend to mature later than girls anyway but he does seem to be still very child-like and niave, easily persuadable, which is a risk if he is arranging to meet people from the net.

I would let his mum know you are worried and show her the myspace page, its for the best :hug:
Iv shown it to my mum and shes going to call his mum tonight. Thanks for your advice :hug:
i hun.. you have enough to worry about at the moment.. try not to involve yourself with your cousin.. his behaviour is slightly distructive and erratic, you are also not his mother.. if you do not involve yourself then u wont have anything to worry about..let his mum deal with him.. its not your job xx
he sent me a message saying

Yep i did cus he wa thinkin i fancied him i only said tht stuff cus he was sayin it to me hopefully we wnt add this one

He deleted his myspace when i confrunted him and then made a new one and sent me this. So i checked out his new one and guess what? that guy was on his page again! and he said he didnt add him or accept an add. FFS hes so imature. Sorry rant over.

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