my miracle wasnt to be


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2011
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Sadly, my little miracle wasnt to be.

Late Monday evening I was unable to sleep and got up to get a drink. Without going into too much detail, the speed and intensity of what happened in the following 15 mins was the most traumatic experience of my life.

I was admitted to hospital at 3am and hooked up to an iv awaiting a scan, which I had to wait till 3pm for. Given what I had already passed (very very heavy bleeding with huge clots), nothing prepared me for seeing there was still a sac there. I think that was possibly the hardest part, as some foolish part of you thinks that maybe it could be ok...even though even I could see it was empty and deflated looking.

Dr came to speak to us at 5pm and I was given 3 options, go home and wait for the rest to come away naturally, take tablets to speed up the process or surgery. I opted for surgery, as I couldn't bear the thought of having to go through the sensation of bleeding and feeling my body give up my baby again.

Emotionally, I'm coping better than I thought at the moment, I could never visualise myself with a baby so part of me kind of expected something to happen. The hard part is accepting that it was probably my last and only chance given my history.

I hope others go on to have happy and healthy pregnancies.
Im so sorry for your loss! Take care of yourself and your other half! You have support here if if or when you need it!
So sorry for your loss Hun xx
Im so sorry hun. Take care of yourself xxx
So sorry for your loss hun. Hope you and OH can support each other through this. You also have everyone on here to chat to if needed. :hugs:
So sorry bliss that you had to go through this, try and stay strong we are here if you need us xx
I'm so so sorry bliss! :hugs: As soon as I came on to the forum and saw there was a new post in this section my heart dropped!! It is something I wish none of us ladies have to go through.

If u ever need to talk I'm here :hugs: xxx
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So sorry for your loss Bliss! Take care of yourself! xx
So so sorry for your loss Bliss :(
I can't bare to imagine how you must be feeling.
Take care of yourself xxx
Oh Bliss - so very sorry lovely :hug:

Please take care of yourself and take one day at a time xx

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