My Labour Thread :)! Yay!! * update *

Can't sleep at all and they are 50 seconds long and back to 3/4 mins apart, gr just do something!! Get worse or stop. Either let me rest n sleep or get a bit longer so I can go have my baby!!
So frustrating. Dunno what to do!! Waters r still leaking too!!!!
I'm in sooo much pain grrr
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Most deffinately impossible to eat even a sweet during contractions!!!!
Thinking of you, hope all is going well x

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Hi ladies,

Went back into hosp last night as contractions were more than unbearable and no dilation!?!

Sent home to let the process do its stuff - no sleep for 26 hours and I've just electrocuted her with a tens machine! :( ooops!

Back off to hospital in an hour for a booked induction!

Bets on a baby this evening?

She's doing so well though. Very proud of her. She's going to make an absolutely fantastic mummy!
It would be good if there is a baby today :) Keep going guys your doing really well. :) xxx
Fx crossed everything goes quickly for you. X

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sounds like your doing great, hope things speed up. xxx
Induction started .. Pessary tablet inserted .. Got to wait until 4PM to see if it has effect. If not they will reexamine the situation at 4PM
aww hopefully you can get some sleep!!! keep going be strong, it wont be long now xxxxxx
Fab posts, definitely investing in a mattress protector now!

Good luck! I hope the induction works quickly for you so that LO arrives soon x
Time is dragging and the clock feels like its stopped ticking!

She's doing fab! Very proud of my girls big and lo :)

Had some codeine for pain relief and on the tens machine! Here's to hoping we're 4+ at 4pm!!!

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