My hospital bag is done!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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......Well Almost! Only got bits and bobs to get. Went shopping yesterday for it all and its now ready. :dance:

I think, myself its a wee bit early but someone at Robs work told him it must be done by now and he just kept going on and on at me. Once he gets something in his head there is not budging it! I do feel better its done now though....

Im feeling very smug at how organised I am :lol: (usually I leave everything till the last minute, people always get birthday cards late, etc)
woop! iv wrote a list but have still gotta get the stuff and the bag lol i hope to have it done by 30weeks tho lol x
That's good going Erin!! My bag is half packed.....kind of!! My midwife recommended you unpack your bag and get your OH to pack it again as he'll be the one getting all the stuff out your bag when you're in labour and it's better if he knows where everything is. Also I don't think it's too early, I was at my antenatal class this morning and heard that one of the girls had only made it to one class as she'd had her 28 weeks weighing in at 1lb 7ozs!!
That's good going Erin!! My bag is half packed.....kind of!! My midwife recommended you unpack your bag and get your OH to pack it again as he'll be the one getting all the stuff out your bag when you're in labour and it's better if he knows where everything is. Also I don't think it's too early, I was at my antenatal class this morning and heard that one of the girls had only made it to one class as she'd had her 28 weeks weighing in at 1lb 7ozs!!

1LB 7ozs! Bllody hell, that is tincy!

I will get Rob to pack it again, although I dont know how much good it will do. He will be all flustered when we are at the hospital - I can just tell!

He made a joke the other day about how "inconvenient" it would be if baby came early as the world cup might still be on and he would "have to" try and find somewhere at hosp to watch it. i was hot and bothered when he said it so needless to say I didnt find it that funny!

How are you feeling with the swelling megs? Lots of rest i hope?
Oh the world cup...........grrr!!!! David is off the last week in June and thinks he'll be watching all the games :rofl: how wrong is he!! I can just imagine asking for your lip balm and the whole bag emptied on the floor :)
I'm ok, got my feet up just now. It's been raining here and only about 18 degrees so getting a bit of respite thankfully. I really feel for you in the salon, all those driers punting out more heat!!
I dont think its too organised! I got mine ready a few weeks ago, but its not all done yet. Ive packed the babys bag, but I havn't packed my bit yet as I wont get the bag till my baby shower on thursday.

Makes it all seem a bit more real though doesnt it! Still feels like its coming around too quickly. x
i think ive packed too much in mine lol
I need to get my finger out, i have packed the babies bag but not mine! Ooooooops.
I thought bout packing the case ready for hospital but feet were aching to much an i cudnt be bothered to do it so i left it I am wishing that i had done it when i said i was going to do it at 20 odd weeks an people were moaning that it was to early to do it but now im 31 weeks an im shattered and cant be bothered to do it now so if i go in labour now id be buggered lolx
OMG I completely forgot I had to do this!!


I think Ive been focusing on getting stuff ready at home, and learning about labour and breathing etc that I completely forgot I'll need a bag packed. :rofl:

How big are your bags? I know im gonna end up packing loads and look like Im going to Spain for 3 weeks or something! I think Ill do a separate one for baby so my bag looks smaller!:lol: Good idea getting OH to repack it. Ill be getting him to do that.
I think my bag is bigger than the babys :rofl: not on purpose but by the time i'd put in a robe, pj's, towel etc it looked huge!

My babys bag is a medium sized holdal :)
Im going to have to get onto mine too now - need a bag to begin with first!
My half packed bag was unpacked last Friday so my OH could take it to Belfast with him! I think that's my task for today. Bubs bag is just about ready too so would be good to know we are both ready for the big day! I think I have everything now, just need to get it all together and not get side-tracked into something else :)
well done erin!!! i didn't pack my bag until 35 weeks or something, oops :oops:

i only have a pink leather holdall type bag, i didn't even think about packing a seperate one for babi! i just squeezed everything in there lmao. i bet i will need more stuff.. it's ok i got someone to go and fetch stuff for me :rofl: only thing i need is breast pads i'd say.. and maybe an outfit to go home in!!! forgot about that.

nooo, no signs at all!! he has quietened down a bit but still moving round a lot. i have recently aquired a cold and feeling very sorry for myself, lol! :cry: everything feels like an effort as it is, never mind a cold adding on top of things!! boooo. hehe. have you had any signs yet lauren? 37 weeks, full term now :O xx
nooo, no signs at all!! he has quietened down a bit but still moving round a lot. i have recently aquired a cold and feeling very sorry for myself, lol! :cry: everything feels like an effort as it is, never mind a cold adding on top of things!! boooo. hehe. have you had any signs yet lauren? 37 weeks, full term now :O xx

Ar bless you, my OH has a cold at the mo and i have banished him to the sofa at night so i don't get it :rofl: Is baby engaged yet?

Well i got woke up early hours of monday morning with braxton hicks - it felt horrible! but didn't last very long. Apart from that just stabbing pains down below, the baby is still moving lots too. The midwife said the head is 3/5ths engaged, got another app next thurs. I feel like we should have app every week not every 2!! :lol:xx
i agree with a mw appointment every week! i've not had one this week, cause i'm having one next week the day AFTER my due date, you'd think they'd get me in earlier to check!! weird :/ my baby's head was only 1/5 engaged so i need to get him to drop! he's deffo too comfy in there.. which i don't mind, as i'm so scared about labour!!! well, probably more scared about needles than i am of labour..

sounds like your LO may be coming sooner than mine anyway, bet you can't wait! i can't wait til i'm un-pregnant so i can shave my legs with ease.. lol xxx
He really does sound comfy in there! :)

I cannot wait now too, i don't like being pregnant much now at all! I just want to be a mum :)

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