My hopsital bag


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Ive been packing it for so long now and adding bits n bobs that I actually have no idea whats in there anymore! :rofl:

So I thought Id empty it out and make a list, then you guys can tell me what is totally ridiculous and what Ive forgotten :flower:

old towel (which Im hoping to ruin and throw away)
coconut body butter small pot
bikini top (for in birthing pool)
ipod charger (hypnobirthing tracks on OHs ipod)
fully charged video camera
fully charged stills camera
video camera's charger
pink nail varnish??? think that might be in there by mistake :eh: * takes out*
handheld fan
magicool spray
4 bottles lucozade sport (sportscap bottles)
2 cans redbull (for OH)
clean boxers (for OH)
1pack maternity towels (Ive got another, should I pack both?)
1 box of breast pads (too many?)
old flipflops for communal showers ( :lol: )
3 pairs of old dark coloured pants
1 pack of black full briefs from the m&s outlet - biiiig pants!
pack of 5 disposabel maternity briefs
1 pair of PJs (trousers and top with buttons)
3 nighties (all with buttons down front)
sudoku challenge book (incase I have to spend time on antenatal ward)
toilet bag containing;
2 toothbrushed (me and OH)
moisturiser (face)
vaseline pocket size pot
hairbrush, hair band and 5 grips
nailfile (I hate having a snagged nail!)

okay thats it :shock: the bag is quite heavy. but OH will carry it!
I realised i havent actually got any clothes to change into after the birth. Got underwear and PJs sorted but no going home outfit so Ill go pick a dress and leggings now. Any other suggestions?

BTW I have a separate bag for baby stuff!
Sounds as though you are v well prepared- I am rubbish at this sort of thing and can imagine just as we leave for hospital barking out instructions of things for DH to grab and stick in there! :lol:
only thing id add to that would be a mascara and lippy for after so when you leave you look fab! i love disosable nix sooooo comfortable especially after a csection
You'll need a dressing gown :)

Last time I packed 2 bottles of magicool, never used them :oooo:

Pack flannels, they're nicer on your face :)
I dont have a dressing gown, do I have to have one? I dont really plan on walking around the hopsital in my PJs anyway cos I work there. Im planning on refusing to leave labour ward without at least a tracksuit on!

2 flannels added. :flower: thanks!
You'll not need a box of breast pads :lol: pack a dozen :D

I'd pack an ordinary pack of sanitary towels, I used the maternity towels once straight after birth but then I felt better using ordinary pads x
OMG I forgot nursing bras. Ohhhh I CBA to go out and buy any....
Ok Ive just sorted my going home outfit, and picked out some matching jewelery and put it in the pocket of the top :yay: Ive added mascara, concealer, lippy and cheek tint. Just thinking of all this it OTT to pack my hairdryer? Are you allowed to use your own electricals? Also added a tenner in a small wallet incase I forget my handbag.
I think youve got all bases covered other then nursing bras and clothes lol. I packed mine so long ago i havent got a clue whats in it but i dont want to get it all out as i dont no how i got it in there in the 1st place lol. All i changed was the baby clothes in the baby hospital bag as i had up to 9lb baby stuff and clearly i had to change them all to up to 11lb lol x
ok think im organised now. just got to repack it....somehow!
Yikes- up to 11lbs?!?! :eek:

he was 7lb 2oz last week at the growth scan so hes set to be 9.5 - 10lb but my daughter was 9lb 3oz so i kinda new i was gonna have to change the clothes lol x
Yikes- up to 11lbs?!?! :eek:

eeek! Ive got tiny baby stuff and newborn size stuff in babys bag. my bump measured 37cm on monday. Ive not had a growth scan tho so got no idea. OH and I were both tiny babys tho.
sounds good to me :yay:
I have left a pile of stuff like extra PJ, mat towels, going home outfits for me and LO in the spare room as either way DH will have to come back home to get the car seat as we cannot take it in to delivery suite
Once you repack it put your pg notes inside just incase you forget them :)
Ive given up on my hospital that wrong? Ive had it properly packed for a few weeks now, but actually started taking stuff out to use :blush: I think its because Ive come to the conclusion I just have bad wind and there is obviously no baby in there so might as well unpack the hospital bag!

Ive got about the same amount of stuff as you, but just on a smaller scale. Im taking my makeup bag in with me (I really dont have much) but not bothering with hair things. Ill just take clips so it can be nice and tidy :) Sounds like youve got it covered though!
Well normal babies are usually 6lb-8lb i think they are classed as "average" and anything bigger is classed as "Bigger" When i had my daughter everyone had 6lb'ers and i had the biggest baby there and i was the youngest lol.

We are taking the car chair with us but leaving it in the car as i should be allowed home between birth - 6hours. and i stay in the labour room with OH till the time i leave unless somethings wrong. But its a great idea to keep spare stuff in another bag incase OH has to go home and get it :) x
yeah thats a fab idea, instead of sending OH with a list of things and trying to explain where everything is!! I cant imagine what else Ill need tho at the mo, I seem to have apcked everything :lol:

We are taking the car seat too. The isofix base has gone in and the seat is sitting next to the hospital bags ready to be put in the car when OH packs it. We're going out for the day tomorrow so we're putting the car seat and bags in just incase we have to go straight to the hospital (wishful thinking) but we'll prob just leave them in there from then onwards.
christ!!! thats alot of stuff. how many pairs of pants do u need lol. u got a nightie 4 the labour?

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