We have the same chair LOL, for a second I was confused at to which baby I was looking at ha ha!!
Look at those lovely beaming smiles hey?
My lifes mission is to get piccies of James smiling.
LOL, James can't undo the velcro, he was just pulling on it a little. I did move him as soon as I posted on here LOL!
We love Freddie the Firefly (I have a nephew called Freddie too!) and Jacques the Peacock.
In-fact I line all of James' toys up and make them talk to him - we have Sophie the Giraffe, Snarf the lion that chimes, Freddie, Jacques and a few others LOL! Sometimes even Henry the Hoover joins in..
It's horrible lack of sleep, so far I've been quite lucky & I can drop straight back off after a feed & Ava does too.
So what are you giving him instead if ure reducing ure milk, have you started on formula too? I still don't know how long I want to bf for or what I'm going to do next.
Hi hun,
I had such a nightmare when I went over to formula as it made James so constipated. He wasn't in any pain though, he just didn't go as often?? I spoke to several health visitors, the GP and a the nurse and all said the same - as long as baby is not in any pain he'll go eventually... and he always did!
The guilt I felt was horrid though and to be honest I still feel it as in the past few weeks James has reverted to not going for 4-5 days
Life is too short to feel bad hun, so if Harry seems OK with it then try not to worry too much.
Also do you reckon he's having his 4 month sleep regression?