Yay to smiling babies!
What a lovely picture, it's amazing when they start smiling!
James gives us smiles all of the time now (unless he is hungry or you are taking him out of the bath )
Sorry to hear you are in bad health sweetie.
I stopped expressing a few weeks ago as it was exhausting me and stressing me out so much. The fact I was happier, felt calmer and had more time for James [and to rest!] made all the difference. It was totally the right decision for me!
It was too stressful for me.
Expressing is hard work as you have all the sterilising plus sometimes it was taking me 30 mins + to express one 4oz feed.
My milk dried up within 24 hours and within 48 hours I no longer had to wear breast pads so my supply was pretty crap anyway!
I felt a little guilty but for me the positives (me feeling better, spending more time with James as opposed to attached to my pump and being able to rest more) outweigh the negatives!
Hey hun!!!
What a gorgeous lil man you have there!!! So glad you had a lovely xmas x
I've done some expressing and it's not great so know what you mean, especially when it's slow coming out. Wow! Your milk dried up quick! At least James got breast milk for a while so I'm sure he reaped the benefits of that.
I gave Harry his first bottle today and it was hard for me as I love bfing but hopefully it'll be the right decision in the long run...
How you doing with your mei tai anyway? I love mine. Means I get to type this message with 2 hands although I do worry about Harry overheating in it... xxx
I am sure all will work out for the best hun, hopefully combi feeding will give your body a bit of a break and you'll start to feel better.
I've still not used the Mei Tai SIL has lent me a MacLaren sling - I can actually use this one and James quite likes it. Yay!!
hi hun, sounds like you are doing great. your body will adjust eventually as you introduce bottles but that engorged feeing is horrid. you've done brilliantly to get this far, expressing is exhausting! sorry i've been a bit awol, hopefully things will settle back down for us this week! xx