My gorgeous munchkin Harry :) My body finally did something right!!!

Thanks everyone :) This will be a very special Christmas for us all!! MERRY CHRISTMAS and love and hugs to you all :love:xxxxxxx
Hope you had a fab Christmas Hun and are looking forward to the new year with Harry xx
Happy New Year in advance ceebee.

Lots of love to you all

This year has been one of the hardest but one of the best years too. I've struggled with my health and still am struggling, but the difference is now, when I'm feeling crappy, all I have to do is look at my beautiful boy Harry and I can smile and even laugh. He's the most amazing thing in my life and I feel so blessed to have him - I love him so much and am looking forward to seeing how he grows and develops in 2013 :D



Happy new year hun. Love the pic Harry is such a cutie. xx
Hi everyone :)

I haven't been on much recently as I've been really struggling with my health again. Things seem to have got worse again and it's just so hard caring for Harry while trying to care for myself too. I thought my health would improve a bit once I wasn't pregnant anymore but it still seems much worse than before I was pregnant. I spoke to the doctor about it this morning and she says that it's possible that the breastfeeding hormones are effecting me, so recommends I cut down on BFing. I feel quite sad about doing this as it's going so well and I enjoy it,but I feel I have to do something as I can't go on like this. Starting from tomorrow I will be mixing BF & FF to see if that makes a difference...

As for Harry, well he's getting more alert by the day and today was the first day he actually smiled in response to our smiles which is amazing :) He is crying less too at the moment which is great. He's such a lovely little man and even though I'm going through crap right now, he keeps me going and I love him more and more every day. My DH has been amazing with both Harry and me and I feel so lucky to have him too :)

This year hasn't had a great start but I'm doing my best to keep positive and keep fighting this crap that my body throws at me. Fx the reducing bfing will help, but doc said it may take a few weeks to see the results.

Mummy duties calling now, but will try and catch up with journals soon xxx
Yay to smiling babies!

What a lovely picture, it's amazing when they start smiling!

James gives us smiles all of the time now (unless he is hungry or you are taking him out of the bath :mad:)

Sorry to hear you are in bad health sweetie.

I stopped expressing a few weeks ago as it was exhausting me and stressing me out so much. The fact I was happier, felt calmer and had more time for James [and to rest!] made all the difference. It was totally the right decision for me!

Yay to smiling babies!

What a lovely picture, it's amazing when they start smiling!

James gives us smiles all of the time now (unless he is hungry or you are taking him out of the bath :mad:)

Sorry to hear you are in bad health sweetie.

I stopped expressing a few weeks ago as it was exhausting me and stressing me out so much. The fact I was happier, felt calmer and had more time for James [and to rest!] made all the difference. It was totally the right decision for me!


I didn't know you'd completely stopped hon. Been a bit rubbish keeping up with journals... I'm gonna try combi feeding for a while anyway. Glad you're happy with your decision. That's the main thing. It's hard one to make but needs must. The baby smiles make it all worthwhile though :D xxx

ps Harry hates coming out the bath too!
It was too stressful for me.

Expressing is hard work as you have all the sterilising plus sometimes it was taking me 30 mins + to express one 4oz feed.

My milk dried up within 24 hours and within 48 hours I no longer had to wear breast pads so my supply was pretty crap anyway!

I felt a little guilty but for me the positives (me feeling better, spending more time with James as opposed to attached to my pump and being able to rest more) outweigh the negatives!

Hey hun!!! :bum:

What a gorgeous lil man you have there!!! So glad you had a lovely xmas x

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
It was too stressful for me.

Expressing is hard work as you have all the sterilising plus sometimes it was taking me 30 mins + to express one 4oz feed.

My milk dried up within 24 hours and within 48 hours I no longer had to wear breast pads so my supply was pretty crap anyway!

I felt a little guilty but for me the positives (me feeling better, spending more time with James as opposed to attached to my pump and being able to rest more) outweigh the negatives!


I've done some expressing and it's not great so know what you mean, especially when it's slow coming out. Wow! Your milk dried up quick! At least James got breast milk for a while so I'm sure he reaped the benefits of that:).

I gave Harry his first bottle today and it was hard for me as I love bfing but hopefully it'll be the right decision in the long run...

How you doing with your mei tai anyway? I love mine. Means I get to type this message with 2 hands although I do worry about Harry overheating in it... xxx
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Hey hun!!! :bum:

What a gorgeous lil man you have there!!! So glad you had a lovely xmas x

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:

Thanks honey :) Hope you're doing well and this year holds wonderful things for you xxx
I've done some expressing and it's not great so know what you mean, especially when it's slow coming out. Wow! Your milk dried up quick! At least James got breast milk for a while so I'm sure he reaped the benefits of that:).

I gave Harry his first bottle today and it was hard for me as I love bfing but hopefully it'll be the right decision in the long run...

How you doing with your mei tai anyway? I love mine. Means I get to type this message with 2 hands although I do worry about Harry overheating in it... xxx

I am sure all will work out for the best hun, hopefully combi feeding will give your body a bit of a break and you'll start to feel better.

I've still not used the Mei Tai :shock: SIL has lent me a MacLaren sling - I can actually use this one and James quite likes it. Yay!!

I am sure all will work out for the best hun, hopefully combi feeding will give your body a bit of a break and you'll start to feel better.

I've still not used the Mei Tai :shock: SIL has lent me a MacLaren sling - I can actually use this one and James quite likes it. Yay!!


Yeah, hopefully it will give my body a break as you say :)

Glad you finally found a sling that works for you :) they're a Godsend!! xx
Well I missed out one feed yesterday and today woke up with most painful engorged breast! I spoke to HV and she said I'd better express it off as I was in danger of getting mastitis. Can't believe that happened after missing just one feed! This cutting down business if going to be harder than I thought. Think it's going to be a slow process...

In other news Harry has been a grizzly baby this afternoon and crying lots. He does seem to be better in the mornings I find. Think he might be overtired as he doesn't seem to want to sleep. Right now he's sleeping on DH. Peace at last! So glad it's the weekend now and will have an extra pair of hands!

Also worth mentioning is he has very strong legs! He tries to stand all the time and can support himself really well with only minimal support. I have to try and stay out of the way of the strong kicks he gives when I'm holding him sometimes!

I did get some nice smiles this morning anyway and DH got a couple when he came home too - hoping for more smiles and less grizzles soon :) xxx
hi hun, sounds like you are doing great. your body will adjust eventually as you introduce bottles but that engorged feeing is horrid. you've done brilliantly to get this far, expressing is exhausting! sorry i've been a bit awol, hopefully things will settle back down for us this week! xx
hi hun, sounds like you are doing great. your body will adjust eventually as you introduce bottles but that engorged feeing is horrid. you've done brilliantly to get this far, expressing is exhausting! sorry i've been a bit awol, hopefully things will settle back down for us this week! xx

Thanks honey and don't apologise for being awol - I know what it's like! You're doing great too and hopefullybthings will settle down soon xxx
Ok, update from me. Harry is doing well though night times have got a bit worse as it often takes me 1.5 hours to settle him after a feed. Thankfully he only needs feeding once a night but still. Problem is he won't go to sleep unless we're holding him and if we put him in his cot too soon, he wakes up and the whole process has to start again. Also means any naps during the day have to be when I'm holding him, so no naps for mummy!

Also, I think I have mastitis. Thankfully it's quite mild and seems better today so don't think I'll need antibitics. Spoke to HV about it and she recommended I massage my boobs 4 times daily to keep the milk moving. This means I will have to delay my plans to cut down on bf-ing. She is coming on Friday to advise me more about this...

The other thing that is going on right now is that my health has been so crap that I've started getting depressed and am really struggling to cope emotionally. It's just so hard looking after Harry when I feel so rubbish all the time and it just shows no sign of improving. My mum is coming to help as much as she can and I might go and stay with them for a bit just for some respite but can't right now as they have a guest. It's just so unfair as my health has got worse since being pregnant and I can't enjoy Harry to the full when I'm feeling like this :(. I really hope something changes for me soon as feel quite trapped right now and there is no easy solution to my problems... xxx
Gosh hun,

You poor thing!

It's hard enough being a Mummy without any added complications so I really do feel your pain... I am also glad it is a mild case of Mastitis - it's meant to be bloody awful.

I am glad your Mum is coming to help for a bit, maybe jsut having a few hours to yourself each day will help you feel better (if not physically then at least emotionally you may feel a bit better?)

I stopped napping in the daytime weeks ago as James rarely sleeps more than 20 minutes unless he is in the pram.

I am sure as Harry gets more settled you'll start to feel better! It's hard going....

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Thanks for understanding honey xx I'm trying to ask for help as much as possible and praying that things will improve a bit soon. Having my mum around does help a bit too. Like you say, hopefully when Harry's a bit older things will get easier too... xxx

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