My gorgeous munchkin Harry :) My body finally did something right!!!

Hi hun...just caught up with ur journal! Harry is the first pic of him in cardi with his little bear! xxx
Just checking in hun :)

Lovely pic's, hope your all doing well. xx
I've just had a proper read through hun (lovely piccies and James does the "ooohhh" face too - so cute!!)

We're going through batteries like mad as James loves his vibrating chair and even if he is afast asleep he knows when it stops vibrating :lol: he also sleeps mainly in his chair at the moment.... :shock:

I hope you are feeling OK? It must be so hard breastfeeding and being poorly. You are doing amazingly!

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Just checking in hun :)

Lovely pic's, hope your all doing well. xx

Thanks honey :) it's a struggle at times, but we're doing ok. Hope you're doing ok too and getting more into a routine now... How's things? xx
I've just had a proper read through hun (lovely piccies and James does the "ooohhh" face too - so cute!!)

We're going through batteries like mad as James loves his vibrating chair and even if he is afast asleep he knows when it stops vibrating :lol: he also sleeps mainly in his chair at the moment.... :shock:

I hope you are feeling OK? It must be so hard breastfeeding and being poorly. You are doing amazingly!


Thanks Nat :) I was going to ask if you had a vibrating chair as it's my lifeline at times, like when I need a shower... Is it ok for them to sleep in the chair? I thought they shouldn't be upright for too long?

I'm doing ok, but some days are really tough with my health being rubbish still. Yesterday I really needed a nap in the day but Harry wouldn't sleep all day! That was hard... It's so good to have DH here at the weekend to help out :) xxx
Just checking in hun :)

Lovely pic's, hope your all doing well. xx

Thanks honey :) it's a struggle at times, but we're doing ok. Hope you're doing ok too and getting more into a routine now... How's things? xx

Things arent too good here. We've all had coughs and colds and Sophie has bronchiolitis :( We were in hospital yesterday, trying to get her sorted.

Hope you've managed to get a nap, its hard when the babies dont want to nap at the best of times.
How is your routine going? We just go as we please, it works for us.
Sophie doesnt like the vibrate on the bouncer :( She still spends most of the day in her moses sleeping or having cuddles. xx
hi hun, just found your journal! So pleased you have one :) He is gorgeous and so glad he was such a good birth weight, i know how worried you were about your bump being small, just goes to show hun!

you are doing so well to be out and about, i'm really impressed hun, and getting to the bf cafe is a real achivement, i hope they helped reassure you.

Looking forward to following your journey here now, so lovely to see all the pregnancy journals turning into parenting journals, I can keep learning from you all :) x
Harry is in his babasling so I'm actually able to type while he's in it! So nice to be able to do some stuff, although still have a million and one things to do - there's just not enough hours in the day!

Think Harry's starting to become more aware anyway. When I talk to him, he seems to be looking at me and I may be imagining it,but think he might be trying to smile! He's still crying quite a bit, but still not sure if it's colic - will ask health visitor tomorrow...

I made it to the doc today which felt like a big achievement. It's only our 3rd outing alone. I went because I'm having pain down below - mostly due to my stitches still :) unfortunately she told me there wasn't anything they could do and stitches can take a few months to heal properly. Great! Glad nobody told how crap stitches are before hand!

Also, Harry projectile pooed when I was changing his nappy earlier! It was so funny and a bit scary too lol! It went everywhere! Didn't even know that could happen!

Anyway, I think I'm not doing too bad a job of being a mum right now - just taking one day at a time and loving my little Harry more every day :) xxx
The explosive poo is pretty spectacular isn't it???

I've had it a few times and if James farts when I have his nappy off I get worried... :lol:

The chair we have lays almost flat, and to be honest if he sleeps in it then that works for me... It's the only place he sleeps (other than in bed or on the sofa with me!!)

I am going to attempt to try him in his crib again soon, when I have more than 3 hours sleep!!!

I am not sure if I am using the babasling right, when I put him in he never seems comfy?? I am following the instructions?

The explosive poo is pretty spectacular isn't it???

I've had it a few times and if James farts when I have his nappy off I get worried... :lol:

The chair we have lays almost flat, and to be honest if he sleeps in it then that works for me... It's the only place he sleeps (other than in bed or on the sofa with me!!)

I am going to attempt to try him in his crib again soon, when I have more than 3 hours sleep!!!

I am not sure if I am using the babasling right, when I put him in he never seems comfy?? I am following the instructions?


I will definitely be more scared when changing his nappy now lol! Our chair is supposed to be ok for newborns, bit isn't flat, so I guess he can;t be in it too long, like a car seat? Good luck with getting James in his crib anyway - have you tried putting something warm in there - that seems to help harry settle sometimes...

I found the leaflet instructions for the babasling not great, but like I said on your journal, the website videos were much clearer..., xxx
Thanks hun, I've just been on website and had another go! He still didn't seem comfy (or secure) though???

Sling is second hand though, I didn't buy it new, so no big deal if I can't use it?

I've not tried the crib in a few days as last two times I've tried James has gone so hysterical he sounds like he is choking :shock:

SIL said the only place her eldest boy would sleep was his chair (same chair!!) so I'm not too worried... He has plenty of time in bed with me as well.

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Thanks hun, I've just been on website and had another go! He still didn't seem comfy (or secure) though???

Sling is second hand though, I didn't buy it new, so no big deal if I can't use it?

I've not tried the crib in a few days as last two times I've tried James has gone so hysterical he sounds like he is choking :shock:

SIL said the only place her eldest boy would sleep was his chair (same chair!!) so I'm not too worried... He has plenty of time in bed with me as well.


Saw the health visitor at home today and I was wearing the babasling and she actually said it didn't look ideal as it was better for baby to be upright. I might look into something else for harry as I find wearing a sling so helpful to be able to use my hands whilst still holding him!

That chair sounds really good and at least James has somewhere he's happy to sleep... Hope you manage to get him to sleep other places soon. I'm having issues getting Harry back to his crib after I've fed him at night, so will be working on that one myself... It's not easy xxx
Saw the health visitor today and she recommended Harry takes infacol every 4 hours or so as he seemed to have a bit of wind. It can't hurt so going to try and see if this helps him settle better... Also had him weighed today and he's gaining well - now 9lbs 1/2oz, so my breast milk seems to be doing the trick :)

Also, have decided to take Harry to a chiropractor for a newborn adjustment. He always has his head in one direction and when I spoke to the HV about this today she said we would have to try and get him to look the other way more as if he carries on looking in one direction, this will cause him problems. I know we might be able to sort it out without seeing a chiropractor,but my sis sees one and has offered to pay half towards his treatment, so I thought why not? Will let you know how it goes - appointment tomorrow...

Did you see the link to the mei tai sling I put in nat's journal? I'm waiting on mine coming :) Cant wait.

Hope the infacol works. We were giving it to S, but she was soo windy both ends though it hasnt changed now weve stopped it lol.

Never used a chiropractor, will be interested to see how it goes and what you think.

Fab news on the weight front :) Yey for breast milk! xx
Fab news on his weight Hun, sounds like he's doing so well! Love hearing about all the slings, I might get that mei tai on order, though I should probably try the moby and baby Bjorne first that I already have (birth on loan so haven't paid out for them!) oh he has to arrive first too of course!
I'm dying to know how your Mei tai goes C bear....!! Slings are the way forward as far as I can see!

So, I took Harry to the chiropractor today and it was so funny to see him lying on this big table as he's so little. The chiropractor did very gentle movements to try and release the muscles on his right side, which he said where very tight. I've booked a special deal, so having 2 more treatments and hoping this will do the trick. Next one is next Friday. I'll keep you posted...

Also, while I was out I breast fed in public for the first time! It was in the Chiropractor's waiting room and it wasn't very busy, but I'm pleased with myself for doing it. Think it made his treatment a lot easier anyway as he wasn't hungry :) Not sure how I'd be if it was busier but it's a start!

Thats fab news about BF in Public :) Go you!!
Looking forward to hearing about your next couple of appt's.

I cant wait to try out the sling at the weekend :) Will report back asap. xx
:clap:Thats brilliant well done you for breast feeding in public. Brave lady.
X Daisy
Just a quickie...

Firstly - I LOVE BEING A MUMMY! :D Harry is so lovely even if he is a bit of a cry baby. My family seem quite suprised at how well I'm coping too! I'm enjoying breast feeding and love his gorgeous smell and cute faces/noises he makes (his eye brows go up and down when he's on the breast and when he cries it sounds like he's saying 'Laaaa!'). Even when he's crying lots I love him so much! And I think he's starting to try to smile! It's amazing! Only seen small glimpses and I think he's not quite sure how to do it, but I think soon he will do it properly! Can't wait!

Anyway, he's crying now, so gotta go, but I just feel so lucky to be mummy to such a lovely little boy :D xxx
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:love: love your post Hun. So lovely to hear you enjoying it after such a hard pregnancy and you are doing brilliAntly at it!! Awesome lady, awesome baby xxxx

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