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my best friend is on life support **updated**


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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I'm sorry if this makes no sense.

1 of my friends has just told me that my best friend leanna is on a life support machine :cry: apparently her & her mum were in a car crash & her mum has died and she is on life support. :cry:

its not even like i can see her, she lives in northern ireland. i feel so bad i havent spoken 2 her in ages. i was going to ring her tonight aswell. i would really like to still ring, speak to someone and ask how she is but i dont no if they would be annoyed at me ringing?? they are like grieving and hoping leanna gets better... would it be awful of me to ring??

i feel physically sick and am sat ehre in complete disbelief. im so close to her & her mum was totally awesome. theres 6 kids in that family & they must be so shocked.

i feel awful, think its just kicked in what has happened & im like crying loads... dont no what to do.
I'm sure the family would be pleased of any outside support right now, so i'd go right ahead and phone them. If nothing else they would love to hear how much your friend's mum meant to them - my dad died last year, and it was so special hearing what he meant to people. Also, if your friend can hear and stuff right now, the family might be able to pass on a message to her. Even if she is in a coma (which I suspect from the life support machine) Leanne might still be able to hear (medical people often say they dont know how much coma patients can take in) and would possibly be happy to hear your mesage in some way. When my dad was dieing (basically huge brain damage after a fall), and after they'd turned most of the machines off, tears were falling down his cheeks as we were saying goodbye, even though he was technically brain dead. The nurse couldn't tell us why he was crying, whether a physical or emotional reaction. So never be afraid to get in touch and try and pass on your love, I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated. When Leanne gets better I'm sure she will love to hear how you cared for her so much you were supporting her family. Good luck and let us know how she gets on :hug:
Awww sweetie - everything you are feeling is natural, you are in shock and the reality of something like this is bound to hit you hard - hence the tears - but you have every right to be so upset babes - that's such terrible news! :cry:

I think the family will be trying to be strong for your friend, and sometimes its a great comfort to know how loved she is by her friends - if you don;t want to call the family could you call someone else who is relatively close? Another friend for example who may be getting updated by the family - you could ask them to pass on your regards to the family and that way they will be able to pass your love onto your friend.

I really hope she pulls through okay babe - losing one life would be more than enough for the family to have to bear - take your time with this, cry when you need to and try to let your emotions out - don't let it all boil up inside - we're here if you need us babe :hug:
:hug: this is such shocking news for you! I think you are entitled to phone one of your friends and ask how she is, they would probably welcome having someone to talk to about it.

Don't feel bad about not having spoke to her in a while, my best friend and I don't speak for months at a time either. I am sure your friend knows how much you love her, think positive thought for her and give someone a ring to ease your mind.

Don't forget we are all here for a chat if you feel lonely or just want to take your mind off things xxxx :hug: :hug:
aww hun i know iv been tlking to u on MSN but just wanted to let u know thta i was thinking of u and ur friend and her family
How awful hun, i'm so sorry. I would ring, i'm sure they would like your support :hug:
oh god what an awful thing to happen. i'm so sorry :hugs: I agree with everyone else, I would call. I shall say a prayer for your friend that she gets better quickly.
Hi Hayley

I'm sure that if you are her best friend and her family know you then it would be fine to ring and see how she is. They may even appreciate you phoning. I lost my best friend of 21 years this May, she was attacked while she worked and was beaten to death :cry: They have charged a 16 year old with her murder. I know this must be a horrible time for you but your friend would want to know that you are asking after her
Claire xx
Oh Hayley, thats horrible hun. :cry:

I'm sure the family wouldn't mind you calling at all. At times like this, it sometimes helps a little to know that people are thinking about you. :hug:
Aww Hayley, that's horrible hun :hug:

They'd probably appreciate you phoning more than you'd think hun.
Awww so sorry to hear of the terrible news hayley :hug:
Aw Hayley, that is awful.

I would call.

big hugs to you :hug: :hug:
sorry to hear this sweety, havent been online for a while.

Hows she doing? xxxx
i wouls call and leave a message - support is always needed at times like this.
i called my friends sister on sunday...

it was her mums funeral on saturday so im glad i didnt ring then. She was so brave it was unreal. i was fighting back tears and she was telling me all she knew, i just couldnt believe how brave she is.

my friend is still on life support but is responding well to treatment and squeezes peoples hands etc. she has a picture of me & owen at her bedside, her sister took it down for her. she obviously doesnt no about her mum yet & the doctors think it will help her recovery having pictures of her friends and family around. id hate to be the 1 who has to tell her the bad news, she was so close 2 her mum.

ive got a card for her & a few little bits to send. I sent out an email to all her old friends telling them what happened and asking if they wanted me to pass on any message. so many people have written back, she is so loved!

thanks everyone for the kind messages :hug:
i really hope she gets better soon, thinking positive thoughts x

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