Question about income support


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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ELLO me again!

Just wondered, I was having a chat to my friend she also has two children and now has a partner. He works in the army, but hes due to finish soon and start a part time job, he wants to movein with her, but shes worried about her benefits being stopped. I think she said she is on income support and child tax credits. She wants to know where she'd stand with benefits if he came to live with her.

I told her that you cant be on income support if you have a partner. Is that right?? I said Id run it past you lost coz im probably wrong :oops:

cheers :hug: xx
you can get income support but both incomes are taken into account to calculate if you are eligable.
It he's not got a job yet, then only working part time, they might get a bit of income support :hug:
it's only if your partner lives with you (the majority of the time) otherwise she will still get her benefits.

Which is one reason I'm not married :lol:
if he works full time probably she wont get any as its income based. if he works less than 16 hours then they will take that into account and top it up to make it the same amount as income support so basically if he earns under the income support amount per week, then they will giv you the extra.

I've been through this myself - when he comes home where does he stay?
kelsey said:
I've been through this myself - when he comes home where does he stay?

He stays with his mum, but stays over some nights at Sarah's.
He due to finish in the army and move to hers in sep, not sure when abouts in sep.
I think if they are not livin as a couple she still gets all her income support and he can stay at her house 3 nights a week i think... also when she declares he's gonna be living with her they wil take into account all the money so she mite lose some of her benefits :?

Not sure tho the best thing to do is ring CAB and ask them :D

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