Injustice for my beautiful friend


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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I couldn't post yesterday as i was too upset about the whole thing, but for those who i speak to on here know my best friend was murdered last may. She was attacked whilst she worked and was beaten around the head so bad she was put on life support and left braindead. She survived for 5 days until her organs started failing and her family turned the machine off. The person that done this to her was 16 years old. They found hi straight away and his lawyer told him to plead insanity. There are a number of things i obviously can't put on here but he WASN'T insane believe me.
Reports came back inconclusive so he was tested for another 3 months and yesterday his act paid off, he was found to be insane. Which now means he has been locked up indefinatly. This means when they think "yeh you'll be ok" they will release him back into society to destroy another family maybe. This could be at any point he could even be out by xmas.
We will never have answers now, what a f**ked up world we live in. A beautiful life was taken for no reason and the person has got away with it.
Thats awful.......I cannot believe our country sometimes!!! I am so sorry to hear this - I don't know what to say....that has let me speechless.

So sorry babe :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well that's not justice is it.

Your friend and her family and friends deserve better.

Can they appeal or take it further?

I'm sorry :hug:
So sorry, Thats awful :( . I really don't know how these lawyers sleep at night., they are almost as bad as the pigs who commit the crimes.
hey hun i have been thinking about you. Thanks for the PM you didnt have to reply.

I do hope you are ok and im so sorry about how it all turned out and that no justice got done it makes me angry so what you are feeling i cant even begin to imagine. :x

But anytime you want to chat im here ok hun like iv said before.

Look after yourself :hug: :hug:
oh hun thats awfull, i dont know what i can say i wish there was something but its basically just another case of our justice system, or lack of it. Im so so so sorry i wish there was more i could say but nothing i do say will take away this awfull thing thats happened. :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh hun i'm sorry for you and her family :hug: :hug: :hug:

this is the thing with this law... you can get away with murder,
and it will stay the same, there have been plenty of people who have killed and they plead insanity, and just got put in hospital or what ever, and then let out.. and then ended up killing some one :x :x

i mean if you've killed someone to me and many of people you SHOULD GET LIFE... not 2 months, 3 years life... you took someone life so will take yours.. :x :x
Im really sorry to hear this too, what an awful thing to happen to anyone but then for the murderer to be able to plead insanity? Its disgusting.

In my opinion, if somebody is capable of murder it shouldnt matter if they are insane or not, what should matter is that they are capable of it.

Please have a big hug :hug:
glitzyglamgirl said:
In my opinion, if somebody is capable of murder it shouldnt matter if they are insane or not, what should matter is that they are capable of it.

So true :clap:

They have up until 23rd Feb to decide to appeal or not but they feel they have been through so much they are just happy to have a final decision. Plus the police have filled their heads with crap saying he will never be "free" cuz he will always have to have check ups and he can be banged up again if they think he is a threat.......but don't they usually have to kill again in order for that to happen????!!

They told her family that he was in the worst youth offenders prison in the midlands, he had no luxuries, etc. So i checked it out on the internet and the prison has tennis courts, gym, swimming pool, etc, so they lied about that and i didnt dare to tell her family as it was a bit of comfort for them to think he was having a rough time.

Thank you all for your messages xx :hug:
fucking ******* twat i hate things like this a fucking tennis coart wtf arghhhhhhhhh they shud put him in guantanamo bay :evil: string him up by his balls
Ergh!!! People like that make me sick!!! Whats worse are the people who decide to let them get away with it!!!! How do they sleep at night!!?? :x :x
I think if a person kills someone, they should be put in a room alone with the victims family for 24 hours then locked up for questions asked! None of this insanity shite! People go to prison for much less than murder! They have their priorities messed up!! They let out the murderers, rapists and paedophiles(sp) but bang up the drug addicts, car stealers and shop lifters!!! :x If i stole a mars bar and my friend killed someone, they'd be free in 6 months but id rot in there!!
I think whoever lets them out should ahve to live on their street!! Put all the rapists murderers etc in the same town and put the lawyers and judges in there with them!!!!

Im so sorry about your friend honey i cant imagine what her family are going thru, noone should be taken like that :hug:
Its a bloody scary world we live in, i am terrified of living in it.
There are so many bad people that get away with everythink, i cud tell u mi own stories but this is ur post and i aint gonna wreck it lol ;)

To think we pay stupid bloody taxes to pay for this ?

i am discusted with the UK. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Jayceesmumma said:
They let out the murderers, rapists and paedophiles(sp) but bang up the drug addicts, car stealers and shop lifters!!! :x If i stole a mars bar and my friend killed someone, they'd be free in 6 months but id rot in there!!

I said the exact same thing yesterday, i hate theives too but they rarely hurt people.
what an awful thing to happen to your friend hun, i am so sorry :hug:

It also makes me very mad that people get away with such things, I hope you and your friends family find a way to get thru this. Take care


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