I couldn't post yesterday as i was too upset about the whole thing, but for those who i speak to on here know my best friend was murdered last may. She was attacked whilst she worked and was beaten around the head so bad she was put on life support and left braindead. She survived for 5 days until her organs started failing and her family turned the machine off. The person that done this to her was 16 years old. They found hi straight away and his lawyer told him to plead insanity. There are a number of things i obviously can't put on here but he WASN'T insane believe me.
Reports came back inconclusive so he was tested for another 3 months and yesterday his act paid off, he was found to be insane. Which now means he has been locked up indefinatly. This means when they think "yeh you'll be ok" they will release him back into society to destroy another family maybe. This could be at any point he could even be out by xmas.
We will never have answers now, what a f**ked up world we live in. A beautiful life was taken for no reason and the person has got away with it.
Reports came back inconclusive so he was tested for another 3 months and yesterday his act paid off, he was found to be insane. Which now means he has been locked up indefinatly. This means when they think "yeh you'll be ok" they will release him back into society to destroy another family maybe. This could be at any point he could even be out by xmas.
We will never have answers now, what a f**ked up world we live in. A beautiful life was taken for no reason and the person has got away with it.